Looking for a team coach
Heyy our team (Raining Jellys) is looking for a Coach! about us - Div 5-6 Level - chilled atmosphere - want to improve while having fun together What are we looking for? - EU Timezone - be active - watch sometimes scrims - VOD Reviews - Div 2+ Level If you’re interested pls dm me : )
Pringle Cat
March 19
(updated about 2 hours ago)
Looking for players
Pringle Cat is recruiting! About us: -We are a Division 5 team eager to improve while having a great time. -We are looking for 2 more members Our squad: -Viper (backline flex w splash) - Eliter, splatcharger (scope + non scope), pencil, splash -Elias (frontline) Vshot, t-tek, zap, slosher -Minus (backline) mainly headit What we're looking for: -Frontline (aggro please) 2x (pref. stamper and roller) Requirements: -CET time zone (or able to work with CET - we won’t be changing practice times) -Div 5 level -Available on most days of the week (training will be in the evening) -Can accept criticism and has a good sense of humor If youre interested dm me selk05
March 24
Looking for team
Heya!!!! I'm Kenna I play Ink Brush's and I'm looking for a team. details: Mainly can play on weekends 14yo PST Pls DM at kenna2011__92070 for more details
Very Serious Team
March 18
(updated about 6 hours ago)
Looking for players
no, the team name is not a joke - we are very serious. looking for 2 players to join our roster pref. ~div 2, but lower is fine if you're willing to learn and adapt to our environment (please read till the end) - activity active at least 3 days a week and play SOS weekly. (if you have more time to be active, i'm personally available more days in the week as well) - weapon(s) we're looking for support shooter (ie: splash, zap, shot, etc.) broken main gun guy (ie: stamper, slosher, squeezer, etc.) - weapons we play memes: decav + flex chimera: dapple/tetra + other dualies + pen combo: main cooler (edit) + vac anchor - team ambitions and environment my goal is to be a mentor for the team by creating an environment for players to learn how the game works and make strategies together. i'd be the one shot calling during games and offer analysis of individual povs from scrims so we can stay on the same page. we want players who are willing to put in the time and do whatever is needed for the team. this can mean one tricking something you have little experience with, flexing to many weapons and getting comfortable with them, or breaking/relearning new habits/strategies all for the sake of the team. this will be an environment to improve, so if you're not willing to listen to someone, we do not want you, we're trying to win. - misc no age requirements do not idolize creators like chara, ftwin, or jackpot members. this should be a no-brainer at this point, they associate with bad people in the community please dm me (memes) with your FA form/info about yourself if you're interested ❗❗
February 12
(updated about 11 hours ago)
Looking for team
ign: smu weaponpool: blasters xp: 2861 peak exp: luti div 2/1, no recent results because of fa hell timezone: cet/cest availability: almost every evening from 7pm to 10pm vc: german/english looking for active german/english luti div 2+ team thats motivated to play and improve dm me on twitter or discord @smmuiii
March 16
(updated about 13 hours ago)
Looking for team
Results in bio ~d2
March 15
(updated about 14 hours ago)
Looking for team
Looking for a group to scrim with in my free time, preferably d5+ and available on weekends at minimum Banned from Low Ink+some other skill capped stuff. Lots of experience in d2-4 level scrims
March 23
Looking for players
i'm looking for like d1-2 players to play sq/tournaments with and learn my weapon better. My ideal comp would be: Me: Inkbrush You: Agro Slayer You: Support Agro You: Backline But idrc as long as we cook requirements: EST time zones + Results Idk what else I'm an inkbrush player but can swap to octo brush if vsing comps that mess over ink. I'm LUTI D3 but have multiple+ results and +1 results sorry if I sound egotistical or anything I'm just tryna get better :sob: join if you wanna try out :D https://discord.gg/sEQ4JVTP
March 14
(updated about 19 hours ago)
Looking for team
Im looking for a team that: Accepts 18- (im a minor haha) Is lower div (im very new to comp) Doesnt bother testing stuff that isnt meta Has a good mindset Doesnt mind me having no vc (sorry :( ) I wont be available all the time (prob only weekends) so would prefer be like a 5th/sub for a team (im fine if we just scrim from time to time) Dm me on discord : midoelias
March 18
(updated about 19 hours ago)
Looking for players
Prophecy された is recruiting! Requirements: Know callouts Be at least 14 y/o Be able to do weekday tournaments and some practices NA timezone or can work with NA Available any time between 1:00 pm PDT and 5:00 pm PDT to start At least div 7 skill Weapon/Roles: Unite: Inkbrush Orion: Tetra You: Splash/shot You: hedit, bamboo, charger I will consider other options :D To begin, DM me with your fa post.
March 23
Looking for team
-An aspiring anchor who just started, so lowest division -I'm hoping to get better at the game Weapon Pool: Splatterscope (Current main) Splash-O-Matic (Previous one, can still use decently) Ballpoint Pen Nautilus 79
Whatever dude who gaf
March 23
Looking for scrim partners
please scrim us if youre div 2 or higher please please oh my god please play versus us consistently
March 23
Looking for team
Sigge, 19 Looking for a group with a goal to improve. It would be good to play with people from the same time region but some hours apart is still fine. I speak good English and I am quite active. I play mostly Splash-o-matic and Splattershot but I am open to change roles if needed If anyone is interested please DM me, ill make sure to respond quickly.
March 15
(updated 1 day ago)
Looking for team
Looking for a d3+ team or pickup to consistently play with in tourney and actually play more sendouQ Fine with learning new weapons for the team Timezone: GMT but I am fine with playing at any NA times
March 23
Looking for players
Hello! We are SpaceLock, a div 6 estimated team that is looking to push to higher levels and hopefully get low level banned! We are looking for a slayer, a support, and a backline player as we are aiming for a dive comp. What we are looking for: Slayer: Plays an agressive shooter, can experiment with other slayer weapons. Support: Any weapon with good paint and supportive specials. Backline: Looking for someone who plays Hedit and other splatlings if needed. Current Roster: Escapixx: Slayer/Skirmisher, Plays Bucket and Stamper but can play aggressive shooters if needed. Miz: Slayer/skirmisher as well, plays mostly dapple dualies but can flex to other dualies. General Requirements: -Be chill and can take a joke -Can take constructive criticism -Div7-6 results -16+ -Can be available at least 3 times a week -Cst time zone We are looking for people who can match the vibes, and can be serious when needed but not afraid to goof around a little bit. Also looking for people who would like to stay as a team long term, and if things go wrong can be good friends after. Dm me if you are interested in joining!
March 19
(updated 1 day ago)
Looking for team
Hello, I'm Noer and I'm looking for a team after a short break. I mostly specialize in anchor roles and backline. Currently around D5-6 although probably closer to D6. Age: 21 IGN: ⁀ウNoer#2889 VC: Always, English, callouts are rusty Main Weapon Pool: Pencil, Edit Secondary Weapon Pool: RPD, Liter, Charger Availability: Fridays through Sundays all day, evenings may depend on my college team which I am captain for. FTIU Banned A41 Banned/Level Up eligible 1st Place All 4 One Saturdays #5: Golden Gauntlet 9th: SOS 152 17th: A Special Tournament 21st: NintendoVS Holiday Tournament Dec 2024 X Rank: 2400 NA, 2400 JP
March 23
Looking for team
i mainly play sword & dualie but i can flex to most frontlines 24 xp/div 6-7? estimate inconsistently able to play but if u need a 5th player or sub or something dm Wackerrs on discord
February 11
(updated 1 day ago)
Looking for players
It's time to tip the scales! Heya! The name's Mystic, and I’m looking to start a new project. I’ve made & joined teams in the past, but this one I plan to stick with since I'm more educated on comp now than I’ve ever been. I’ve been captain & co-captain of many teams & have been on other teams respectively, so feel free to ask me more about that. With this new team I want players that are willing to put in the work and not get upset of a setback. WE WILL FAIL SOMETIMES AND THAT'S OK. Long as you have an experience mindset first more than a results oriented one, I have faith we'll succeed. Looking for: ▪︎ 18+ (no exceptions) ▪︎ LGBTQIA+/neurodivergent/BIPoC/minority friendly ▪︎ Can work with EST time zone ▪︎ DIV 6-5 ▪︎ Minimal/no tilt & be able to take criticism well when given ▪︎ Available more than 2-3 times a week for practice ▪︎ At least LI Eligible (LSL/FTIU bans recommended) Weapon/Roles I'm Looking For: Backline - Blue/Red pen and Z+F Frontline - Shot, nSplash, 52, ZAP, & Dualies (this one I'm fairly lenient on) FREE SPACE! - I can take just about any weird pick here within reason, be it Inkbrush, Gloogas; etc. About Me: I play both Range Blasters, both Blasters, and both S-BLASTs. Pocketing vDread/S. Tent for any weapons you play that rely on paint/sharking. Interested? Feel free to send me a DM! Thanks for reading!
Bitte gönn Show Bucks
March 22
Looking for players
We search 2 cool people: - Zap/Cooler - Agro or Paint Support - around d5 would be nice (- Play Fall Guys)
Looking for scrim partners
Hello we are Unova Eclipse we are looking for a scrim partner we dont have a div, but we are est div 9 we are available from 3 pm pst dm @oceandraws or @ty_ty134 on discord if you are interested
November 28
(updated 1 day ago)
Looking for team
LFT/LFP Hello I need stable mates to play tourneys CET time zone ty
January 30
(updated 1 day ago)
Looking for team
Looking for a d2+ team/project/pickup to practice in scrims/sq and grind tournaments with. Available literally whenever, can adapt to NA timezone too I mainly focus on cds/vds but I also like playing n zap and brellas sometimes, open to learn New weapons if needed too
March 9
(updated 1 day ago)
Looking for players
MAGNETISM NEEDS A SUPPORT PLAYER!!! I am looking to experiment with sbrella comps. so be prepared to work around that! LOOKING FOR: - Utility/Support vsplash, zap85, shot/ttek REQUIREMENTS: 18+ age Div 8-9 experience America Timezones VC + Fluent English OUR MEET TIMES: M, W, Th, & F at 8:00 PM EST We will be playing FTIU on those respective Fridays Available for low ink every month (its always on a saturday) Apply by dming me on disord @cobalttheramenking
March 11
(updated 1 day ago)
Looking for a personal coach
Hello, I'm an nTri player for Luck Burst (D4 S16) and I'm looking for a D1+ non backline cooler coach to look at vods and send feedback on my gameplay! Dm coolbe22 if interested!
March 22
Looking for team
IGN: For Bane Weapon: Tri-stringer, Nautilus TimeZone: UTC +3 Helsinki & Usually avaliable after 16:00 Main middle/backline slayer-support Havn't played in comps so no results so far, highest X score 1659 at tower. I know tri-stringer takes lots criticism but, but. Trust me.
March 22
Looking for team
yo! lf a d2/3 team, tryna get back into comp :) 16, bucket onetrick, results in bio & results tab EST dm me @quinnifer_quincy for offers! have a nice day
March 22
Looking for team
October 13
(updated 2 days ago)
Looking for team
IGN: MarioMin. Age: 19 Timezone: CET/CEST (EU) Availability: Weekdays from 4:15pm-8pm, on friday i am free after 3pm and i am on the Weekends free Playstyle: mainly support, frontline slayer (can also be flexible) Weapons: vShot, .52 Gal, vJr, both Splash, vN-Zap, vHedit, vPencil Vc/Callouts: Yes Looking for: div 4-3 team, EU based or EU timezone; Consistent practice and tournaments; a team that is competitive focused and wants to improve. Luti S15 Div 4 LSL banned Tourney results 🥇Minnow Cup #39: Clam Blitz 🥈Squidfin Fireboard #14 🥉Meet Your Match #2 14th Gold Bracket LSL #45
March 13
(updated 2 days ago)
Looking for players
Hello! I'm the captain of a new low level/entry level team known as Inception, and it has no results so far. Currently, we're estimated div 6 but I hope to push this team to a top level in comp! FYI we are playing meta, but I am open to some more unique comp suggestions such as double sword. We're looking to recruit a Pencil or heavy edit player, but other weapons that you play are totally fine as well! We will be doing practice sessions, tournaments, and team stuff, so we want players committed, and willing to learn! Send me a dm at ioawsome on Discord, and I'll be sure to talk to you about this opportunity as soon as I can! (More info about practices and tournaments listed below) Practice times and Tournaments 1. You must attend a minimum of one Mandatory Practice and they will be Saturday at 12 pm PST and Sunday 9:30 am PST. Practices will last at least 2-3 hours, and will include a team discussion about how the matches and sets went, and how to improve (more info on that if you DM me). Exceptions can be made for the practice time length, but you must give a reasonable excuse since we all want to improve in Splatoon. At the start of the practice, we'll do a couple warmup games in Anarchy Open, and then play some SendouQ sets. Sometimes a couple of us will be doing sets on the weekdays(Most of the time it's on Tuesdays), but these are not necessary to go to. 2. Let me know what tournaments you're interested in participating in, and I'll be sure to sign us up for them! Any tournaments we sign up for will be on our Mandatory Practice days, or Tuesday's at 5 pm PST, or later, but depending on what time they start at, we might start practice earlier or later. I'm hoping that we do at least on tournament each week, but having one every two weeks is fine as well. I will post info about the roster and tournaments that we're in every time I register us for them. Preferably, our team comp is Pencil, Decav, Splash, and Splattershot I hope you consider the team!
Anarchy Colors
March 22
Looking for players
We're a new d6 team looking for a dedicated backline, any backline weapon is welcome as long as you know how to play it well, must be 18+ and be able to play at least 3 times a week at 8pm est, also has to be willing to take critiscism and improve overall
March 22
Looking for team
Looking for team around d2+ Available most week days EST evenings, and weekends Can play / learn various backline and midline range weapons
Drinking Value
March 21
Looking for players
Hello! we are a Drinking Value a new team looking for a player to join us! - We are looking for a 52, V Stamper, Mint Decavitator or Wiper Requirements: - Okay with playing with a player on mute. - No tilt and able to take criticism. - Can play around Div 7+ - Open to fighting Higher level opponents - Okay with not doing LSL, LI and FTIU (we are ban or cant fit it in our schedule) Our Availability CST/CDT (-6 GMT) Tue/Fri: 7:00 PM-11:30 PM Sat/Sun: 1:00 PM-11:30 PM Can practice 2 times a week Goals - Our main objective is to improve as a team. - We aim to have a safe and open minded space while practicing and competing in tournaments. - Having a fun time while playing is also important to us!
March 10
(updated 2 days ago)
Looking for team
IGN: Axo òへó TZ: GMT Weapon: .96d Results on profile Looking for a team that's of D5/4 skill level. Open to projects. (Disc: funiaxolotl)
January 27
(updated 3 days ago)
Looking for team
Shot, jr results in bio lf d1+ team dm dc: mondii.
Tidal Tempest
February 8
(updated 3 days ago)
Looking for players
Tidal Tempest is looking for a 4th player: - d6/7 Backline (Pencil preference) -available to play on 18:00 - 23:00 CET -Open to receive feedback / coaching +16 years old -English or Spanish callouts DM @Jupex on discord for more information
March 9
(updated 3 days ago)
Looking for team
Hi, my name is miso, and I’m completely new to competitive Splatoon, and I’m looking for a div 9-10 long term team to get better with that I can become friends with as well! I might take a bit to adjust to comp, so please be patient as I work more in this new environment! Things to know about me: * 13 y/o, but mature in conversation * little tilt * Rank: A+ * free every day from 4:00 EST to 5:00 and then from 6:00 to 8:00 unless I say something, approximately * LGBTQIA+ friendly * I usually play slayer, maining V-Blast (preferred), learning ‘91 and wiper * Can listen to VC, but cannot talk dm me on discord at @lol.miso if interested!
February 20
(updated 4 days ago)
Looking for team
Looking for a team for luti, around d3 if possible. mains: vdualies can also flex onto slosher / carbon deco can speak german & english dm me on discord: wubyn
March 20
Looking for team
IGN: Jacob ↑ Power: 2500 average, 2589 peak (NA) Weapons: Sblast, Range Pockets: Machine, Squeezer VC/Callouts: Yep Experience: Arcadia (LUTI S13 D6) Chocolate Therapy (LUTI S15 D5) Results: Low Ink Alpha 5th (March '24) Low Ink Alpha 7th (August '24) Riptide 2024 33rd SOS 161 Hammerhead 3rd Timezone: EST Activity: Between <t:1701111600:t> and <t:1727406000:t> Hi, I'm looking for a div 5 team of cool people to vibe with, 18+ (21+ preferred), who are open to giving and receiving constructive feedback, and share my level of enthusiasm about the game (crackheads). I’m also open to projects if you need a +1. My schedule is open in the afternoons, but I'm only looking to practice three times a week. HMU if you think I sound cool
March 20
Looking for team
Looking for a team and or puck up group. Feel free to dm if interested.
March 20
Looking for a team coach
MAGNETISM IS LOOKING FOR A COACH! we play around brella, which is non-negotiable to change. Our members have div 8-9 experience, but the team itself is undived. dm me at @cobalttheramenking on discord for more info!
March 20
Looking for team
Edad:16 Estoy buscando un eqipo low div para seguir mejorando, competir y pasarlo bien. Tengo algo de experiencia competitiva, compromiso y ganas de mejorar Preferiblemente Front pero puedo jugar de mid tambien Si a alguien le interesa, no dudeis en escribirme
Free Agent Hell
March 20
Looking for players
My requirements: Let me play squiffer exclusively. Division 7 preferable but won’t be strict on results, just tryouts. Be cool with being on stream for tourney runs. My hopes: To break into Midlevel Free times: EST Monday 4-12 atm, Tuesday 12-12, Wednesday 6-12, Thursday 4-12, Friday-Sunday usually all day with some exceptions. (Praying a future job doesn’t ruin that too badly) Weapons I want to see: A splatling, support gun that can fight, and a hyper aggro gun. Dm me if this intrigued you. No the team would not actually be called Free Agent hell
Looking for scrim partners
We're a D3/4 team and are looking for D3+ Scrims DM @.mrfreeze._. to schedule scrims with us
Dance of Aeons
March 19
Looking for players
Dance of Aeons is looking for one more member to round out our roster! We are looking specifically for a SUPPORT SHOOTER, with weapons like shot, vsplash, nsplash, and nzap. Other requirements: - D5+ experience/results (we plan to mostly play uncapped events, so also be okay with that) - 18+ - able to play in NA time zones - strives to improve (VOD reviews as a team, practices with team and on your own) - wants to be friends outside of Splatoon - no bigotry of any kind !! * we are not registered for LUTI. DM @tidalspl or @ari_isstoned on Discord for more info or to send your FA post!
March 19
Looking for team
Hey there, I have a lot of time on my hands lately and am looking to sub for a LUTI D7-8 team alongside my main team not playing in LUTI, to get more practice and improve :) Rank: 2332 X peak JP region / SendouQ consistent silver/silver+ from season 2-5, didn't really play S6-7 Age: 21 VC: ye Time zone: AEDT 🇦🇺 UTC+11 (For NA, I can play from 8 pm Eastern onwards, or some hours earlier with notice) Looking for: D7-8 LUTI S16 who typically play in NA evenings (weekdays/weekends both work). Ideally 18+, 16+ minimum. Limited tilt please :) Experience: Mug Cup banned since 2023 (D7 cap) after winning Mug Cup 9 Zones Only FTIU/LSL eligible FTIU 60 Gold Bracket top 8 FTIU 73 Silver Bracket 🥉 A41 19 (Tower) Silver Bracket 🥈 Smaller tourneys on my sendou profile Sets provided if needed, I don't like resulting teams publicly but d7-4 last 12 months
February 20
(updated 5 days ago)
Looking for team
❗🦊❗ Hey y'all I'm Fox! ❗🦊❗ (the ! is mandatory) IGN: Fox!#2635 Age: 20 Time Zone: EST VC: English XP: 2902 JP Looking for pickups and to establish myself more in midlevel (~d2). Would love +3 tho aiming to get that specifically seems like a headache so imma just vibe. Actively looking for a LUTI project!!! ^w^ - Weapon Pool - - Pen - Red Pen - Hedit - Custom Wellstring - Notable Tourney Results - - Taste the Rainbow Invitational 1 [🥇] - Megalodon Monday NA 26 [🥈] - Riptide 2024 [17th] - FLUTI Div A Playoffs - SoS 152, 153, 162, 168, 169, 177 - Great White Bracket - SAC Season 9 Finals [5th] - Notable Set Results - - 2 - 1 Captain Happy [+2], Fishy [+2], Splat [+2], Bungee [+3] - 2 - 1 cap/kamina [+2], Ivy [+3], tobii/zephyr [+3], turnip - 3 - 0 Nameka [+3], Umbre [+3], Draco200 [+3], Jess [+3] - 2 - 0 Lex [+3], 1shot [+3], Migue CaS [+3], Tlachi - 2 - 0 Bad Piggies - 3 - 1, 2 - 1The Cafeteria
February 11
(updated 5 days ago)
Looking for team
IGN: Runa Age: 21 main(s): eliters, zf, pencil (can flex to other backlines) Playstyle: backline/anchor VC/Callouts: I can vc but improving with callouts Results: 🥈 Deadline #12 🥉 A41 #24: TC Edition (Bronze Bracket) Sets: 4-1 Milk Rain (D5) 5-3 Chroma Vortex (D6/7) 2-4 Honor Bound (D5) Timezone: PST Activity: 8/10, Free for afternoon and evening mostly LF: Around high d5 skill floor. I have worked with higher divs but open to new stuff and want to get LI banned Abt me: I grinded chargers for 1+ years straight from scratch and I was bronze+ 2 seasons ago but life got in the way
March 19
Looking for team
A wild 16 year old splatling one-trick. Results: 🥇Mug Cup Mini 9 🥉8-Bit Blitz #30 Top 8 in SOS 174 and 177 2-1 Cherry Soda! 2-1 petrichor. 3-1 & 3-2 Durrr Burger 2-0 RemixedFern, YOOM-TAH!, brik, flowerss 2-0 Outcast I'm usually available on weekends, and weekdays is after 4:00PM CST. Preferably wanna play with a d4+ team :3
March 18
Looking for team
D6-5 - Age: 21 - He/Him, Male - Slayer/Support flex (Stamper, Decav, Dread) - Previously played for Student Drivers (D5 team) - X Rank Peak: 2456 (Takoroka) - VC: Yep - Callouts + Communication: Experienced and good - Timezone: Central Standard Time USA Notable wins: - 1st Place Twin Squiddies #1 - 1st Place FTIU Bronze Bracket - Kit Kat: 3-1 - Ink Floyd: 3-0 - Hydrate or DIEdrate: 3-0 - Knightmare: 3-1 - Andromeda 3-2 - RIT Crabby Red Academy 3-0 - Midnight Tide 3-0 - (Honorable mention: Three Houses One Basement 0-3, all games were REALLY (i have some footage) close and Pikadave was on this team) Looking for teammates who are 18+ Other things about me: I'm a Splat 3 modder for learning what its like to make a video game, I was diagnosed w/ autism at a young age and I'm asexual.
March 18
Looking for team
IGN: TREE REX Age: 19 Timezone: CET/CEST (EU) Availability: I am available pretty much everyday from 7 pm Onwards. Exceptions are Tuesday and Friday (could change in the future) Playstyle: I am an Aggro Supportplayer who can play special spam but thats not effective and boring rn. Can also flex to be a Main aggro player. (I am quite a flexible player) Vc/Callouts: Yes (Can even shotcall if needed) Results in Sendou bio Looking for: div 3-2 Teams or people to make a team with. My Goal is to Improve and become the best player I can possible be. Just be chill to hang out with. LGBTQ+ friendly. dm on discord (tyrexflaisch) if Intressted.
February 1
(updated 6 days ago)
Looking for team
IGN: Lunaaa Age: 22 as of February 10th Weapons: vshot/ttek, vjr, v.52, looking to pick up L-3D for new patch Playstyle: Frontline/Support Shooter VC/Callouts: Yes to both, English / Basic Spanish Timezone: EST/EDT Activity: EST Nights + Weekends (& sometimes EST Afternoons on weekdays) (I am LI/CCLT/Minnow Banned. HOWEVER, I'm A4O Eligible.) Most Recent Results (Splatoon 3 Only): - All 4 One #21: Rainmaker: 🥉 - Coral Clash: Low Tide #14: 🥇 - LUTI Season 15 Division 5: Top 16 - Tristrike Tuesdays #15: All-Modes: 🥈 - All 4 One #23: Golden Gauntlet: Top 8 Old AF but best results (Splatoon 2 AND 3) can be found in my sendou bio Team Experience (Splatoon 1 AND 2): Too long of a list, if you want to know though you can ask Team Experience (Splatoon 3): Crimson Waves (S13 D5 Champions), Ink in the System, Hydra, Calamity Forge Neo Looking for D5+ & Pref 18+ (16+ No Exceptions) MUST BE PLAYING IN LUTI S16 (Exceptions can be made)
March 18
Looking for team
looking for midlevel team that is willing to play with my horrible stupid weapon pool :D dm if interested :3
May 24
(updated 6 days ago)
Looking for team
Looking for a div 2/3 team that's active about 4 times a week. Free around EU evenings. I'm willing to learn new weapons and wanna vod review. Lgbtqia+ friendly Results: 2nd SAC S8 T4 S14 div 3 Div S Fluti 4 34th Inkademy speed ladder 11 (6-3) S13 div 3 playoffs 2-1/2-0 Smoking Mois (Erwutuu, Ateno, Javier, Aphrodite) 2-1 Trippelfrittierte Gambawaffeln (Peli, Azad, Benx, Nick) 3 - 1 lalalalala (played with Eli, Noah (Asan) and Minty) (Rosey, Kiki, Venoct, km) 2 - 0 Octopi (NM, Rose, Balloon, Potato) 2 - 1 Dominium (Kay, izowen, Atenoo, erwutuu) 2 - 0 Triggerfish Zones Supremacy
June 23
(updated 6 days ago)
Looking for team
Hello, I'm Jp. I'm a VRoller one-trick looking for a team around Div 5-6. While that would be preferred, anything works. Please DM if interested! IGN: Jp#4525 Age: 21 FC: SW-4173-3167-7425 VC: Of course, at all times Availability: Weekends, Monday and Wednesday afternoons Weapon pool: Splat Roller (No I will not play Carbon Deco) Peak XP: 2500 (TC) -------------------------------------- FTIU Banned 🥇Gold Bracket - All 4 One Saturdays #5 🥇Bronze Bracket - Coral Clash Gold Bracket - Coral Clash Gold Bracket - From the Ink Up Beta Bracket 9th - Low Ink 10th - Minnow Cup RM Gamma Bracket (49th overall) - Superjump 4 Other results: 3-0 Pick a God and Pray (Div 2) - Superjump 4 2-1 Do Better (Div 2) 2-0 Hibiscus (Div 4) - AST 2-0 (Eli, Minty, Flowerss, Valia) (Div 2-4) - AST
Looking for players
Heyyy the new project Raining Jellys is looking for a fifth member. about us: Jelly - role: Slayer/Support - Splash/Shot Ninja - role: Midline/Skirmisher - Stamper/Tetra/Dapple Sky - role: Skirmisher/Slayer - Tetra/(Cblast) tariq - role: flex - Hedit, Pencil (can also flex to other things) What are we looking for: - Div 5 - A Midline weapon (no Stamper) - good mentality - wants to improve - be active - timezone: CEST/CET If you are interested just dm naganohara_spl. :)
Looking for players
👑Dust to Domination (LUTI S16 DIV 7) is recruiting for a 4th and 5th!! We are looking for a Backline as well as a Frontline/Midline. If you have any questions, please DM @Sibirrino (Captain) or @Lilalychi (Team Coordinator) on discord. ⭐ Backline: Dependable & Determined - Charger Class: Z&F Charger, Eliter. - Splatling Class: Ballpoint, Heavy Edit, Hydra. ⭐ Frontline/Midline: Fast-Paced Slayer - Splatana Class: Wiper, Decav, Stamper. - Other: Slosher, Naut, etc. (Play another weapon? Reach out!) 👑Requirements: - 18+ years of age (no exceptions) - LGBTQ+, BIPOC, Trans Friendly!! (All three of us are Queer & BIPOC.) - Must be Employed, in College/Uni or are Graduated. - Available during Evenings NA around 5 pm Pacific (PDT, MDT, CDT, EDT) - Free during Weekends (in advance on sat & sun) - Active History of Competitive Splatoon - Banned from Reach, Setting Sail & Junior's Draft - Preferably banned from FTIU or Little Squid League 👑Team Roster: Sibirrino (He/Him) - Dualies/Dualie Squelchers Lila (They/He) - Custom Blaster One-Trick Lor (He/They) - Splash-o-matic/Support Shooters 👑Coach:👑 Ship (He/Him) Dust to Domination is an 18+ BIPOC & LGBTQ+ oriented team. Two of our members are trans, while all three are BIPOC & Queer. We are looking for likeminded players that want to push to mid Divisions by the next LUTI session! We often play open-level tournaments and enjoy playing against teams that are higher skilled. We play around 2-3 times a week at 5 pm PST (including weekends any time). 👑If you're ready to rise to the top, reach out to us! @Sibirrino (Captain) & @Lilalychi (Team Coordinator)
February 4
(updated 7 days ago)
Looking for team
Looking for a D1-2 team/project. I was D2 in Season 14 and have some recent results, for example, 5th place in PP302. I can play as an aggressive slayer or a supportive shooters, depending on what is needed. If you're interested, feel free to DM me on Discord.
March 17
Looking for a personal coach
Hi! I am water a short range shooter player I am feeling a little bit stuck on where I am, and i want to get some pointers on where im struggling with. I am mostly available every night except for some after school stuff! Please dm me! :)
February 1
(updated 7 days ago)
Looking for team
IGN: Vis-ii_pv7 FC: SW-4594-3037-6706 Age: 14 Weapons: VMachine, NeoMachine, Sorella Brella, Rapid Deco, VDS, VSplash, VSlosher, Naut 47 & 79, VRoller, S-BLAST ‘91. VC/Callouts: I know a bit of names of the stages, EN Experience: Over 2.5k hours on Splatoon 3 Div: Undivided. Timezone: EST (UTC -5) Activity (1 being low and 10 being high): 1 during weekdays and 9 on weekends. The only thing I have on weekends weekly is piano lessons on Sunday from 4:50 PM to 5:35 PM.
March 17
Looking for team
Hi! Im looking for an lsl banned EU team!!!!! Mains: Range Blaster Flex: Shot and Splash Results: 5th lsl 43 5th lsl 44 2-1 Sheer cold 3-0 JAM 3-0 Sleeping penguins Peak Rank: S+25 SendouQ peak: platinum 1220 I haven’t done many tournaments so I don’t have that many results so you’ll just have to trust that I have the skill to be lsl banned. Dm if you’re interested :))
March 16
Looking for team
d4+ H-3 Nozzlenose One-Trick (EST Americas) - results in bio I am looking for a team to play with, open to projects, pickups, subbing etc. H-3 can offer occupying space significantly. If you want to know more about H-3, dm my discord (eichisuriidoko)...
March 16
Looking for team
I am a d5 Edit player. I am in Cest / Cst timezone. You can check out my results on my profile, eventhough they arent that good. I can Vc in German and English perfectly. Im open to critizism and i am nice. Please dm me if youre interested, or if you have further questions.
January 28
(updated 8 days ago)
Looking for team
Im a d2/3 Backline FA coming back from a small break. I mostly expect to play edit and rapid pro but also play a lot of explo and hydra. I can also flex some midrange stuff like naut and rapid deco. Im looking to push into +3 My timezone is AST (hour ahead of EST) Results in my bio.
March 16
Looking for team
i used to play comp years ago.. but something happened and my character development arc dwindled back to 0%. anyways, im a support player through and through and have a wide range of variety of weapons that i use (put me on charger. trust me) + im a good listener i swear Top 15 from NA tournament if that counts 😻🔥🔥🔥 im looking for d9 or below 💔 i recently came from a hiatus, please don’t bully me
March 15
Looking for a personal coach
Looking for help with any of the top tier dualies. Div 9 currently and looking for coach above my div. Any NA timezone works. Need help working with teammates and overall tech skill and development.
March 15
Looking for team
IGN: masquerade Edit one trick mostly EST Availability: available most night VC: don’t vc much but I can Results: 🥇 FOD #1 🥈 prism break 12 🥈 2x hammerhead 🥉 prism break 14 9th great white sos 166 Sets: 2-1 drago jelly koa telathia 2-0 Devade!, osa, Minty, Tiphereth (x2) 2-0 Vanessa <3, yohann!!!, kakioka, swag 2-0 retro records d3-2 dm
March 10
(updated 9 days ago)
Looking for a personal coach
Hello, I'm Tyler! I'm looking for a personal coach to help me get better with one of these weapons: Paintbrush, N- Zap, Splash, or Dynamo Roller. I don't mind the division; just someone who has experience with one of the weapons and can help me grow as a player. I don't have a division yet, CST timezone and I'm available almost all week. I'm looking for someone with whom I can voice chat and review my gameplay. DM me on discord if interested (@ty_ty134) and thank you 😃
February 18
(updated 9 days ago)
Looking for team
Looking for Luti Div2/3+ Team/Project/Pick up
March 3
(updated 9 days ago)
Looking for players
Hey, we are a looking for 2 players on d2/3 lvl. preferably a cooler support and a frontline shooter/dualies etc. Feel free to dm if interessted
February 13
(updated 9 days ago)
Looking for team
I am looking for a d2/3 Team which wants to compete in tourneys and scrims. DM if interested or if u need more infos
December 12
(updated 9 days ago)
Looking for team
d2 / former +3 mint player, can flex to vdualie / splash looking for motivated people to play tourneys / sq together and grind, able to take criticism and willing to do vod review when necessary
March 15
Looking for team
LOOKING FOR A LOW COMMITMENT TEAM IGN: dsstiny Age: 16 Rank: S+1 i play more sporadically throughout the modes and i lose too much to rank up lol X: peak 2585 (bucket) Weapons: Mini i’m enjoying rn, but i can play slosher successfully. i dont have a solidified main tho Div: Unknown if i had to guess maybe 6 or 5 Playstyle: flexible Vc: prefer to just listen but talking i can do Timezone: CST Availability: all week unless stated otherwise and obv not during school im a little nervous i dont have any comp experience so i may not warm up quick.
March 14
Looking for team
looking for d2 pickup/team to grind sq and tourneys with
March 14
Looking for team
LF people to pickup with Available most EST evenings on weekdays (6pm onward), fully free on weekends as long as I know in advance. Haven't updated my sendou bio in a long while (not sure what people consider relevant?) but some results there, won Chi-Shoals 32 with awk-tah-puh-dees, top 8 Riptide 2024 with Guess We Doin Krakens Now. Not sure where that puts things skill bracket wise, haven't played many online tourneys recently since it's hard to find pickups I know people are busy with LUTI and such so just sort of putting myself out there. I like playing with sword players but willing to experiment with comps. dm me @arcanigon on Discord
March 14
Looking for team
IG: Tomatty Age: 15 Timezone: GMT+1 Weapon Pool: Splatana Wiper, Mint decavitator, Forge Splatershot Pro Vc: (English/ Polish) Knows basic callouts on maps Best rank: S+8 X rank: 2000 - 2300 Experience: Played Splatoon 2 having X rank on all modes Tournaments: . 1st Squids under fire Flame Bracket . LSL 34 Gold Bracket Top 32 . LSL 48 Silver Bracket . LSL 47 Gold Bracket . Low Ink Delta Brackets Round 3 DM me if interested :)
January 30
(updated 10 days ago)
Looking for team
Timezone: EST Playstyle: Support Weapons: Zap, Splashes Flex: Jr, Shot, Ntri Results: 🥈 - Megalodon Mondays NA #22 🥉 - Prism Break #7 🥉 - Merryzoic Mayhem 26 4th - Coral Clash High Tide #15 Great White - SOS #163, #166, #175 LUTI s16 D3 Sets: 2-0 Yaga (+3), Narco, Akira, Rye 2-0 Draco, Telethia, Micah, Puma 3-1 Retro Records 3-2 Bubbles, Ursa (+3), Ichigo (+3), Ivy (+3) 2-0 Cap (+2), Tobii (+3), Sunny, Ali 2-1 Tini, Tacos, Kayla, Trix Availability: i will send you my school schedule! but usually after 7est everyday Extra: i have an elgato capture card that's very high quality! I can stream at any time looking for a team that will help push my skill level and that's really dedicated and passionate! pickups also ok!!!
January 12
(updated 10 days ago)
Looking for team
Looking a D3+ team I'm agro player, i can play mid/front positions. Results on my sendou page. DM if interested, ty.
March 14
Looking for team
Looking for a div 5/4 team, willing to work with any comps, preferably with a 5 player roster so that we have more flexibility for tourneys (but I just want a team tbh) EST timezone DM for additional information, or pickups/tryouts
Malicious Misery
January 14
(updated 10 days ago)
Looking for a team coach
Malicious Misery are looking for an active coach to push us forward! -We are a very silly group of people (despite our name) who all share a goal of improving. Someone who can constructively criticise us, break down situations and answer questions we have would be amazing. -D3+ results would be nice as we are currently estimated to settle into div 6 and we want to get to 5 very soon. -okay with working with people under 18 -has a capture card -preferably in europe Dm @aceausaur or @cronix0586 if interested
March 14
Looking for team
I'm a flex player, and willing to work with both meta/standard comps and off-meta/experimental comps. I can use anything that is helpful for the team to succeed. Looking for a team/other players: - with a growth mindset - willing to practice consistently - willing to EXPERIMENT DURING PRACTICE - and frequently vod review. SKILL DOESNT MATTER NEARLY AS MUCH AS MINDSET. dm me @starry_echo on discord to do pickups or tryouts. Experimentation can look like different comps, or it can look like "Let's play this map twice to see what opening we like better versus a carbon comp." For teams, I care a decent bit about branding - playing a single tourney as consistently as possible, maybe making content, etc, are all bonus points.
March 13
Looking for players
Yøøø! We are Inflamaska, a French team, and we're looking for a 4th player to complete our LU! A bit about us: we've played in Division 4 and Division 3 of EBTV (a French league) and, as of today, we're in Division 5 of LUTI! We're looking for: - N-ZAP player - Division 5/4 LUTI level - Competitive experience is a must - Availability around 9:15 PM CET (this is when we practice during the week and on Sundays) - Chill and relaxed attitude (very important!!) - Ability to communicate in English - 18 years old minimum, no exception done If you're interested, submit your application on https://discord.gg/zTfH7UAazf or DM kaytooo on discord!
February 1
(updated 11 days ago)
Looking for team
ign: term time zone: mst availability: weekends and sometimes weekdays depending on school weapons: sorella brella but can play vbrella if necessary soloq: 2697 jp (brella only) callouts: ass. pure dogshit. i’ll listen in to improve them lmao comp experience: sendouq but nothing else, got li banned with no results lmao looking for a ~d4 team who is willing to work with a brella onetrick and help me learn callouts dm @soruhluhbruhluh if interested
March 13
Looking for team
GN: Robi® Age: 25+ Timezone: CEST (Dutchie) Weapons: Splattershot, JR, Zap, Tri-slosher. Comp experience for a Div 6 team, but I dont mind playing at a lower skill level. LSL banned. Looking for a chill 18+ team EU based.
March 12
Looking for team
looking for d1/+ team can play slayer and stamper just be nice and a lot of practice together would be great too @yoshii976 on discord
March 12
Looking for a personal coach
Hi, I’m Li Sierra (CST, Backline, Div9) : Hydra, Eliter,Tri Stringer/ Wellstring; pockets-hedit or explo I am looking for a personal coach to help me improve on my backline skills, mentality, positioning, or maybe gear fixing. I want a coach to teach me or help me fix some mistakes being made. Please be at least div 5 n up, and can do vod reviews (so must have capture card since I don’t have one) Plz dm me (discord: li_agreste)
January 29
(updated 12 days ago)
Looking for a personal coach
hiiii i'm bri, i'm a s16 div 5 dualie squelchers/splat dualies/support shooter player looking for a personal coach who also specializes in squelchers or dualies. mainly looking how to perfect my positioning and how to take fights better, but i also appreciate any general advice as well!! i'm looking for: -div 4+ -able to actively coach me -frequent vod reviews -preferably 18+ but idrc that much -have a capture card (optional) my timezone is PST dm me on discord (@darkspine) if you're interested!! (send frq first) :3
Looking for a team coach
Unova Eclipse is looking for a coach! We're a new NA team currently seeking a division coach to review our games occasionally and help improve our gameplay and grow as a team! Requirements: - Must be able to work with CST/PST time zones - Must be willing to provide insightful criticism - Must be able to conduct VOD reviews twice a week - Must be a cool person Members : Ocean - Slayer / Skirmisher: Enperry Dualies , Dark Tetra Dualies Rush - Support: N- Zap , Tri -Slosher Nouveau , Dapple Dualies, Dread Wringer Ray - Flex: .52, Splash , Dynamo , Glooga Miku - Backline: E- Liter , Hydra If you are interested, DM (ty_ty134) on Discord. Thank you for your time! 😃
March 12
Looking for a personal coach
I'm a support ex-competitive player looking to be more aggressive in Splat 3 looking to get better with the Nautilis 79 and Heavy Edit (Both Vanilla and Edit)
February 1
(updated 13 days ago)
Looking for team
• IGN: ._. Fish • Role: Skirm or Support • Weapon(s): Wiper, Shot, Splashes, Vdualies, + • Comp Experience: This is Fine - Div 7, Coughing baby - div 8, Underscore - Div 4, pickups • Callouts: Good • VC: Duh • Time Zone: PST • Availability: Just give me notice • Div 4-3
February 19
(updated 13 days ago)
Looking for team
Name: knee (ign: (:^O)-|--<) Age: 16 Timezone: EST Availability: most days after 3 or 6pm Playstyle: back/midline anchor Weapons: I'm a one trick cdouser, but I can play anything. Vc and Callouts: Yes Div: ~6 (but I could be higher) I'm looking for a team that is willing to play with douser quite a bit. I'm coming back from a hiatus so I will be rusty. Results on sendou page
February 25
(updated 13 days ago)
Looking for a personal coach
Looking for a personal coach, I'm a mint decavitator/splatana wiper main and want to get better at playing frontline! About me: - I'm 17 years old - Have 170 hours in the game so far, over 3 months of playing - Ranked A+ at the moment, hoping to make S before the end of the month - Want to play frontline, however I will take suggestions on weapons and roles - Dedicated and will put in lots of hard work - Free Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's after 4:30pm (GMT), free most weekends - I will pay of course (just putting this here in case lots of people expect coach's to do it for free) Discord dm's are open! My user is Goldszero
March 11
Looking for team
IGN: Golds SW: SW-4654-0350-4625 Peak Rank: A+ (last season) Age: 17 Weapon(s): Mint Decavitator [frontline skirmisher], Neo Splash [midline support] (currently learning wiper as frontline skirmisher) VC: Yes, English is my only language Experience: 170 hours in game (been playing for 3 months), no comp experience in Splatoon Timezone: GMT (not able to adapt to anything 3 hours off or more) Activity: Still a full time student, free Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays after 4:30pm, free most weekends Looking for: A low level team who are wanting to compete and improve together, more than happy to be a back-up/sub player I am more than happy to supply replay codes and anything like that! My discord is Goldszero and my dms are open! :3
March 11
Looking for team
lf a D3+ team to push high level , everything's in bio (Willing to learn other weapons but I mainly play slosher and stamper) @past_present_eternal on disc
Looking for players
hello we are the 9☆ looking for 2 Frontline players. What we require sendou q or tournament/competitive experience (First player) can use/Mains sword, cds/vds, bucket decav (second player) can use/main jr, zap, Neo splash, shot and 52 We are a nice and welcoming group ready to Make a fully established team! We currently have 6ixx._(ME): carbon, vroller, dread, S blast 91 3mb: pen carbon zap edit SUBS big g: Rbp, rbpd flingza edit both explos LUX: dread, blaster range blaster AURA: tetras, dualies 52 IF YOU WIULD LIKE TO JOIN DM ME AT darius.vv.
January 27
(updated 13 days ago)
Offering coaching
Can coach low level players just DM @a42_ Weapon pool I have good comp knowledge with: .52, N-Zap, Splash, Shot, Carbon, Wiper, Stamper Im div 4 2671.8 XP ttek 2663.9 XP tako
March 11
Looking for a personal coach
Hey I'm Rush. I'm looking for a personal coach that can help me improve on my knowledge and skill in the game. I mainly play support and can be aggresive on the field. I mainly shooter, dualies, blasters and buckets since those are the classes im confident at. My div is currently unknown. I am free most of the time depending if i had to something during the day and can also be able to call for sessions. If interested please shoot out a DM. It's nice meeting you all
February 8
(updated 14 days ago)
Looking for team
IGN: あ Age: 15 Timezone: GMT Div: 7 Availability: Weekdays from Weekdays 3pm-12am same on Sunday. Saturday when u wake up to whenever tbh unless I’m busy Playstyle: midline Vc/Callouts: Yes Looking for: low div7 to low 6 EU timezone; ; Consistent practice and tournaments; a team that is competitive focused and wants to improve. Sq rank gold Results: 🥇 Reach #6 🥈 the reach invitational #1 🥉squidboard firefin #12 9th lsl 42 Peak x 2.3k eu / na What I play: v and custom range blaster 96 deco v dread wringer squeezer carbon deco and v decav pockets short range shooters and v roller Flex pen edit v dualie and v bucket s blast 91
March 10
Looking for a personal coach
Hello im Ocean! im looking for a personal coach to help me get better with dark tetras, or emperry splat dualies dont mind what div just someone who has experience with tetras or emperry and can help me get better with them,i don't have a div yet, im available almost all week, i have a capture card and can stream splatoon 3 im looking for someone who i can vc with and review my gameplay. dm me on discord if interested @oceandraws
March 10
Looking for a personal coach
I'M LOOKING FOR A PERSONAL COACH please contact me on discord (@magtz) if you are interested! requirements: - mid-high div (5+) - heavy edit main (either kit works, prefer someone who plays both) - 18-20+ range - LGBTQ+, BIPOC, ND friendly - kind, constructive criticism - willing to watch me practice w/ team or do 1-on-1 sesh 1-2x a week, incl vod reviews - est/cst timezone preferred about me: kei, she/they best rank: S+6 best X: 1981.1 luti d9 s16, but est. d8 heavy edit splatling + heavy edit splatling nouveau i mainly want to improve my crab and movement techs as i semi-recently switched over to motion controls (yes, you can judge me for it /lh) i want to do better with paint support and aiming as well.
March 10
Looking for team
ign: abyx... zap vshot ttek results on page lf d3-4 project, pickup group, or team. idc about luti dm me @iheartcooler
September 16
(updated 14 days ago)
Looking for team
DeltaJordan (IGN: ΔJordan) LF 18+ Role: Backline VC: Always, Fluent English only Availability: Pretty much every week day after 6PM CST. Can use PTO for majors etc. if needed. Attending uni and have a full time job, so there might be a random day or two I'm too busy, but usually I'm on top of my workload. Weekends I tend to be completely free any time. All I ask is to have prior notice what the team's plan is. S3 Teams (In order from newest to oldest): Thrashdown, Elongate (Div 2), Eventide (Div 3, captain) S3 Results: 17th out of 107 Riptide 2024, Multiple wins at Chi-Shoals, a few ok to decent weekly placements, 1st Level Up 2. You can see detailed results on my profile under the "Results" tab. Looking for: Div 3-4 team with a winning mindset, and high potential to improve. I'm also ok with projects that call themselves a team within a month or so. Looking to play hedit. Have Div 2 experience playing both Pencil and Machine. Can play and have played all other backlines as well; I'm particularly proud of my Explosher (but I don't expect to play that much lol). I'm overall looking to backline, but wouldn't mind having some innovative comps where I'm needed on Machine. Overall, I'm not hiding anything on my S3 comp experience/history. There have been ups and downs in all the teams and tourneys I have played. But I think what's important here is to be open about those ups and downs, and to highlight my improvement over time. I started this game at Div 3, with Div 2 my latest division. The thing is, I'm not specifically looking for a Div 2 team. What I'm looking for is a team that *has the potential* for Div 1 and beyond; the potential to win majors. That's WAY more important to me than whatever the team's last LUTI division was.
Ice punch peixes
March 9
Looking for a team coach
Ice Punch Peixes is looking for a coach!: We're a Low level (Div 7 S16) NA team that's currently looking for a mid-high level coach (D4+) to review our games once in a while and help improve our gameplay (maybe help us get low ink banned or something, wink wink) Requirements: - Be able to work with the EST time zone - Be willing to give insightful criticism - Be able to do VOD reviews once in a while - Be a cool dude/gal (we're friends with our former coach for quite a while already, we would like to have fun with you 2) Members (Ignore Sugistic he's our cheerleader): Alpha (me): - Plays Vstamper and pockets Dread Ryn: - Plays Vslosher Jousty: - Plays Vshot, V52, Splash, Viper and Vdualies Nerdlet: - Plays ZFScope, Liter scope and (occasionally) pencil Dm @alphawarri0r55 if interested
February 11
(updated 15 days ago)
Looking for a personal coach
Looking for 1 to be friends with me Can offer emotional support, zones open sessions, movie nights, and gamepigeon @ballloonbag on discord
Without Identity
February 3
(updated 15 days ago)
Looking for players
Without Identity is looking for a 6th member! (If 6 seems excessive, it's just cause none of us are ever free. :'D) We are a friendly and beginner-level team that plays at a d9-10 level and is looking to improve and have fun! REQUIREMENTS: - Frontline shooter - 16-18y/o preferred, 15/19 ok - D9-10 level - In or can work with EST/CST timezone - Basic callout knowledge (nothing too complex like specific map callouts), no comp experience/results required - S+0 minimum, 1900+ XP peak preferred - Generally friendly, willing to put in effort to improve but also not overly serious/focused solely on winning - LGBTQ+ friendly - Doesn't easily tilt - Consistently available at the following times: [at least 2-3 weekday nights (8PM to 10PM EST), Saturday afternoons (1PM to 6PM EST), preferably Sunday afternoons and nights but not required] Interested? Please DM @bowbowed on discord!
February 26
(updated 16 days ago)
Offering coaching
hi!!! im a d6-7 stamper/dualie player that started as a stamper/wiper two trick who changed to dualies for more utility in my team !! i'm offering coaching to teams that are entry lvl to like d7 !! :D im 17 in june i go by they/he/she, and i have results like 1st SFPK Bravo, 4th A41 upon other things :3 if ur interested pls dm me on discord!! i have a capture card so i can stream replays :D
February 2
(updated 16 days ago)
Looking for team
Hi, I'm DBT. I'm looking for a team around Div 4-5 level. Currently subbing for a Div 4 level team. Tend to play either support shooters or more aggro options like machine or blasters. Free during evenings and weekends.
February 25
(updated 16 days ago)
Looking for team
Rusty d5~ flex player, can play support but mostly slayer/midrange. I sort of main stamper but not really. Haven’t played in a few months but willing to give it another shot. Dm me on discord if your interested. luxurious.lux
Napping Crusaders
March 8
Looking for players
Are you a Div 9 player who wants to climb to mid level and higher? Well, keep dreaming. ...No wait, not like that! Let's work together and make that dream a reality. Yeah, that's what we meant by that. The Napping Crusaders is a team that the competitive scene shouldn't sleep on. If this sounds like a plan of yours, you should skip hitting the snooze button for this chance. Requirements Must be Div 9 (no exceptions) as of LUTI Season 15 - 16 FTIU, LSL, Low Ink Eligible for we want to get banned together 18+ Preferred, willing to make exceptions LGBTQIA+ Mental Health Friendly Positive Mindset, minimum to no tilt please NA Timezones Only, Preferably EST or CST VC and callouts in English Able to play at least 3 days in a week (very flexible hours) Looking For Slayers Anchors Skirmishes Tournament Experience (Sendou) What We Offer Safespace for your troubles Free Slushie Fridays /j Fanart Highlight Videos Mid-High Level Coaching (TBA) DM @Prince if interested
March 8
Looking for team
d3 supp lf pickups mwf na times mostly check results or bio or dm ink1ing on disc for more info
February 9
(updated 16 days ago)
Looking for team
looking for a d1/+3 coach to just guide me in the right direction my discord is @luciodoestspins dm if interested pls 🐬
January 3
(updated 16 days ago)
Looking for team
hihihi! im lyrical! (or just lyric), im an FA rn :( i am a tetra one trick, my peak SP is 1199, my peak xp is 2592. i like celeste, i like speedrunnning, i like kirby, i like being silly!! FTIU/LSL Banned! Results! 🏆 Mug Cup #19 🏆 IDTGA 48 🥈 A41 Zones Weekend #7 🥈 Prism Break 1 (Gold Bracket) 🥈 IDTGA 44 Power 🥉 IDTGA 43 Power 🎖️ Top 8 SOS #175 🎖️ Top 8 A41 GG #33 Sets! 2-0 Seapunks! (d2) 2-0 Ωasis (d2-d3) 3-0 Wave breaker (d3-d4) What am I looking for? I'm looking for a d5-d6 team that'd be willing to experiment with Tetras in comps more. I also want a committed group of friends to get LU Eligible with! LGBTQIA+ Friendly Willing to be patient with someone with anxiety/stresses about underperforming a lot. Sillyness! dm @lyrical_spl on discord if ur interested!
February 4
(updated 17 days ago)
Looking for a personal coach
Would like a frontline coach +3 or higher
March 7
Looking for team
AGE: 18 WEAPONS: Tentatek splattershot, Tri-slosher Nouveau, Splatana Wiper TRYING TO LEARN: Splatana stamper, Splattershot, Mint decavitator, .52 Gal RANK: S PLAYSTYLE: Aggressive/Support/Skirmisher/Slayer VC: Yes! But I need to learn comms TIMEZONE: CST AVAILABILITY: Weekends, but I may be available at most TWICE during weekdays. RESULTS: IDTGA#48 Courage Bracket 1st place, and Reach#8 13th place LOOKING FOR: An entry or low level team that is interested in improving and growing together as a team. Dm @MEMORYCARDZX (on disc) if any information is needed!
January 18
(updated 17 days ago)
Looking for scrim partners
pls we need scrims
Looking for players
« Crisis Averted is now recruiting !! » We're a div 7-6 team looking for a new person to do LUTI (division 7) with us↴ Current Members ↷ Silver (he/him) - Cexplo, vSlosher, Vexplo, Flex N-zap oxii (any prns) - Nautilus 47, vShot, N-zap Jamer (he/they) - Chargers, HEdit, Flex Hydra/pencil Requirements ↷ • Age 15 - 20 (exceptions can be made) • VC and general knowledge of callouts • Previous comp experience (est ~6-7) • A good mental (be chill and have fun) • Be available at least ~3 times a week • PST/CST/EST Looking for ↷ Aggro Front/mid line 〰 Stamper, Wiper, Decav, Dualies, etc. please dm <@594602760670806029> or <@386971721359556621> w FA post if interested!
March 6
Offering coaching
Hi! I want to help upcoming charger mains get better in comp I'm div 1 as of S16 Please only DM me for charger/liter gameplay, I will not coach pencil. Thank you! (Discord in my bio)
March 6
Offering coaching
hey, i'm Mirror! are you looking for a personal or team coach to improve your strategy, comp-building, or decision-making to get you out of entry/low-level and to start making progress? i'm your guy! message @mirroryen over on Discord! i'm a fairly active Dread Wringer player with past experience in playing other midlines like Stamper, Slosher and both Decavitators, but I can help with most weapons, roles and comps should you want to learn about them. i have set results on SQ that i'd say put me at a Div 5-6 level individually and tournament placements that put my current team at around 7-8. i can confidently coach divs 10-8, maybe 7! > 4-3 against Rydia (LYRE), helix (+3 server), nico (LYRE), cytrus > 4-3 against Caadwell, QUORE (div 3), KumaSama (div 2), Sili (div 2) > 4-1 against wildflower; Chris.., rui (div 4), Kon (div 5), and D > 4-3 against Poor Judgement; Spongey (div 5), Blueberry (div 5), cosmo39 (lowlvl banned), KittyC🟊 ⏜CK > 4-0 against MoonDancer (div 2), ΔІ_Sangwoo (LUTI div 6 winner), Aitotxu (div 5), Bl_kaiser (est. div 3-4) > 4-0 against goldini (div 3), ABYX (div 5), §Zekko (§erpentine, div 4-5), johnrocks#2257 i'm looking to both get experience coaching and to pass on what i've learned about this game so far to newer players, so feel free to reach out even if you just have a couple questions! i also have a Capture Card, but it would help if you do too - my PC isn't always the best.
March 5
Looking for team
Hello. I'm looking for a team to join who are interested in growth and inking through the competition. Must be 21+. I'm unfortunately stuck at div9 due unfortunate circumstances leading into not being part of a team for long in my past experience. Anyway I'm a Dynamo main, and I also sub shot and forge pro.
small frys
February 20
(updated 19 days ago)
Looking for players
we are looking for 1 more player for our team: small frys slosher/shooter/frontline suport abou us voomy: role: Slayer/Support order shot, tri-Slosher Nouveau, Dapple Dualies (pink) tanukiip: role: support backline Naut Caelan: stamper/mint/order roller our goal: - playing in tournaments, - good mentality - wants to improve - be active if you are interested to trying a tryout dm me on discord voomy_._85681 All div levels are welcome to md me
March 5
Looking for team
March 5
Offering coaching
Cherry Academy 🌸 Enrollment is OPEN! If you’re new to the Competitive Splatoon scene and don’t know where start… Cherry Academy is the perfect the solution! Through immersive Weekly Lessons, the 2 Senseis under Cherry Academy can promise 8 new Students the experience of a lifetime! The 8 Students will be split into 2 Teams, Class 1-A and Class 1-B, and can expect fun, engaging curriculum to introduce them to the Competitive Splatoon scene over the course of 3 Semesters (Months)! To apply to the Academy, Players must be between the ages of 14-22, and able to easily adjust to an EST timezone. Additionally, if Players are to become Students, they must be available for 3 hours per Week to attend their Lessons. So what are you waiting for? Fill out the Enrollment Application! Hope to see you soon, Sensei cherry 🍒 (DM with any questions)! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1aG47DXHlRngUx44mj84It5DK8ToTGiUQ1ZFrEO_eUp-x8w/viewform
March 4
Looking for team
I'm hoping to find a group of people I can hang out with. I don't have specific preferences, but if a tournament happens on a Wednesday, then I'm available. Please consider that I am working two jobs though so it's my only day off. Also I play every class. My weapon pool is all over the place. And I'm MST. I'm mostly available to practice at nighttime after work. Also DM me on Discord. Especially if anyone DESPERATELY needs someone.
January 28
(updated 20 days ago)
Looking for team
GN:MiZ Age:20 Timezone:PST VC:yes Weapons: every dualies,nzap,forge and forge pro,splatana,both eliter,mint and charcoal and a little of stamper Rank:S+7 XP:2285 Division: washed div 4 Teams:college team name V6 Results:1st in season and won finals in our tourney just looking for a div 4-6 team and also just making SOS HAMMERHEAD
February 24
(updated 20 days ago)
Looking for scrim partners
div 2/3 scrims for practice pls pls pls
February 5
(updated 20 days ago)
Looking for players
DPS ONLY is looking for +1/2 D3 level Current Members: -Fern: Nautilus 79 and 47 Requirements: -D3+ level with results (set or tourney) -VC and developed comms, -NA Timezone -good but energetic mental Weapons/Roles -Support shooter (vsplash, vshot) -Pencil Looking for dedicated players aiming to pick up plus-level results. Looking for pretty frequent scheduling. Must be willing to play with a naut Bonus if you have a capture card, but definitely not required. dm Remixedfern to apply
Eso Pluma Neo Momazos
March 4
Looking for players
Eso Pluma Neo Momazos (Eso peak) busca un pou nuevo (juegador nuevo) que use shooters (front support), cubeta ö espadita (midline) De preferencia: * Que tenga rango X 2200+ * Que ya tenga experiencia (alrededor de div 5-6) y sepa callouts básicos Obligatorio: Que no sea tóxic@ y que esté dispuest@ a aprender y a mejorar dm por favorcito Discord: minami0278 Los tryouts serán con vc
March 4
Looking for a personal coach
Looking for D2-1 to coach Pencil. Currently at D4 LUTI 16. Please DM.
March 3
Looking for team
2589 XP with slosher 2-0 Amphy, Mr. Miu, Tтeκ, eider_pancake 2-1 Impulse (Avrel, Sovliss, Kaiser, Sapphire) i had other results but they're old DM me on discord if you're interested
March 3
Looking for team
[Name Pending] I am luti d4 this season and I’m looking for 1 player to strictly player cooler for my project. I prefer pencil, but edit works too. You must be low level banned to apply. Out weapon pools: Me: 96D / v52 Blue: cblast / vluna / s91 Alex: vdualie / vshot Availability: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. These are the main days of interest for my group, but we may be open to stuff outside of this. If you’re interested in my project, please send me your results @ .mrfreeze._.
March 3
Offering coaching
Who am I: A LUTI Division s16 Div 4 Mid-Line Player who plays 96D and v52 and can coach for numerous shooters + naut. Please check my profile (Aspas) to view my results. I've coached: Teams at the Div 7 level and below Various team comps, both meta and off-meta I expect: Growth mindset Willingness to experiment in practice Willingness to have live coaching A team that is willing to enter in tournaments often A team that is LUTI Div 7+ in either season 16 or 15 I prefer to coach teams with 4 or 5 players. Reach out on discord @ .mrfreeze._. for details!
Looking for players
STAR RAGE💫 IS LOOKING FOR 2 MEMBERS! (D8-7) What we are looking for: A backline cooler play that can flex to other backlines. A shooter that one tricks the class (DIV 8-7). Requirements: a decent amount of competitive experience. 1900-2100XP is preferred but not necessarily required. Be comfortable with streaming. Additional Notes: Age 16-17/18. Canadian and American timezones and have good availability. Low Ink/LSL eligible. Willing to experiment with different comps and weapons. Dont rage to much. What Star Rage already has: 3 coaches (2 are D3 what is D6) Prince; Frontline slayer (splatanas blasters and dualie). Abyss; Midline player (splatlings and buckets). Melon; Midline player (Stringers and Dynamo). If interested please DM @_princeton. Or @abyss.kiko on discord PASS; HOLLOW PURPLE🟣
May 20
(updated 21 days ago)
Looking for team
Used To be Div 3-4 In Splat2 Was On Leviathan Warriors and Grillers, Most Notably On Tonken. 23 Can VC English and Spanish
February 26
(updated 22 days ago)
Looking for a personal coach
Looking for a sblast/rb coach. high level+ pref. dm me if interested
March 1
Looking for team
looking for a team, most of my results don't show my true skill range but, I've been playing high level / + level scrims and have been doing good so based on previous estimates I'm around d5-6. I play pen and I'm 15. I want to work on my Ego and Tilt!
December 30
(updated 23 days ago)
Looking for team
Ninninedo! 🔥 ...IX.XLIX.LV... FA GBR (Can adapt to NA timezones) - Div 2/3 - More details + results on sendou page! - Solid availability - Would love to get back into playing at a pretty high level with a group with a good mentality and chemistry! - Dm nin9do_49 on discord if youre interested!
August 21
(updated 23 days ago)
Looking for a personal coach
Looking for someone to guide me on my Hydra skills, looking for div 7+ coaches
October 23
(updated 24 days ago)
Looking for players
div 5-6 ish NA team looking for slayer frontline! Looking for shots 52s mainly —————————————— (BlobRoss will leave the team when we get a new member) ~around div 5-6 with results ~ 18+ student or working ~NA preferred EST time or can adapt ~can play 2-3 times a week ~wants to progress with a positive mindset and not much tilt ~mainly coolerless ~open minded with less meta comps ~willing to do other stuff other than just Splatoon sometimes lol —————————————— Dm ne0n_artz on discord if interested!
February 28
Looking for a personal coach
Heya! I'm a newer support main, unsure of my div. I've been playing since S1, but I've only just stepped into competitive. I want to put more focus on my growth in the scene and attempt to do my best in the upcoming LUTI season. My availability is 3 PM- 10 PM EST during the week, with my weekends free. I'm 18+ and prefer a coach who also is. Looking for a coach who can help me with callouts and more aggressive positioning mainly. If you're interested give me a DM on Discord!
February 27
Looking for team
ING: Shiber Timezone: est Rank: S+ highest: S+3 X peak 2082.4 Age:18 Weapons: stringer and wellstring Pocket: zimi Playstyle: Backline/support VC: yes! And I have experience with callouts Experience: previously on milkyway (est div 7-8) setting sail and reach banned (ineligible) FTIU #68 Gold Bracket // 5th 🥈 Silver Bracket Mug Cup #20 8-bit Blitz #20 16-bit Bracket // 4th Languages: English Activity: Active anytime after 4pm and all day on weekends when I don't have plans. I'm looking for a div 7-8 team that has a mindset for improving, but doesn't try to rush improvement. I'm also looking for those who are interested in bonding outside a team environment! Please DM if you are interested in having me on your team!
Looking for players
We need a 4th & 5th for luti (and other stuff Yk) Est timezone American based Dm me or comma if u have questions or anything Xyl will not respond cuz he is lazy as shit
February 27
Offering coaching
Morning, afternoon or evening! I am known as ShockWavee, a competitive Australian Splatoon 3 player & coach. I have been coaching for over 5 years, helping brand new and experienced players push themselves to become highly skilled individuals. I cover all things within the game of Splatoon from objective play, awareness, movement, aim and much more! Feel free to send me a message at anytime regarding coaching sessions, lesson plans or just to get to know me! https://metafy.gg/@shockwavee
February 18
(updated 26 days ago)
Looking for team
Still looking for a team to do luti with 💚 22 years old 💚He/him 💚 Support Flex player 💚Div 7 with results 💚 N-Zap, Pencil, RPD, Explo(both), and Ttek. 💚I know call outs and am experienced in comp. 💚My Timezone is NA Central Standard Time 💚I can take criticism well and I have no tilt issues. I will make jokes like me having "Blaster PTSD" but know it's not genuine anger 💚I know a lot of div 9-6 players so I can help with getting scrims! 💚Not FTIU, LSL or Low Ink banned but very close 😈 What I am looking for: 💚Div 7+ team WITH RESULTS NO EXCEPTIONS 💚Neurodivergent and queer friendly 💚 Actively doing LUTI 💚Willing to experiment with comps. 💚 Preferably already has a team coach but this is not a deal breaker. My results: https://sendou.ink/u/terrarian
February 26
Looking for team
Ign: taige tsl Age:14 Play type: flex/anchor Things about me: nice, love playing splatoon, splatuber/content creator and artist
February 24
Looking for team
Hey there, Im a washed up 16 yo comp player since 2017, i reached 2nd place in the portuguese comp scene (team: BOO). Id love to find someone or even a team who would like to play with me and help me become as good as i was before or even better. My biggest div was div 9 in 2022 (team: white ink drinkers)
February 25
Looking for players
OCE SCORPIUS IS RECRUITING NEW LOW LEVEL PLAYERS We are a newly-founded team and we are looking for a FLEX player. REQUIREMENTS: - AEDT/AEST - Can scrim tue/thur and weekends - Flex / Support - VC / Can play tournaments (weeklys) dm 2.yuu on discord to talk
February 25
Looking for team
Anyone that free at least sometime just to play some fun comp like experiences and maybe more?
pjackk challenge
February 1
(updated 27 days ago)
Looking for players
[~div 5] check thread for more info & flyer: https://bsky.app/profile/ovengoats.world/post/3lixvtka3t22p PJACKK CHALLENGE IS RECRUITING !! new team !! we need 2 or 3 more motivated ~d5 players !! team goals/priorities: - improvement + growth - significant results (lets break into mid level) - having fun + chilling requirements: - NA timezone preferred - 18+yo - committed to the game & very motivated to grow as a player/team - cool with weekly scheduled practice - chill, like on the highkey - luti div estimate 5? - X peak ~2500? - no more backlines - open to offmeta comps (current roster is an explo onetrick and a dynamo onetrick. we're getting straight up dastardly. but we mean business..)
Looking for players
Bonjour la Inkferno recrutent pour la nouvelle saison de L'EsportBrosTv voici les contraintes : Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! C’est encore moi, Alexia, mais vous pouvez m’appeler Zymia ou ZymyQueen’s. Je joue à Splatoon depuis mes 8 ans, et aujourd’hui, je souhaite créer ou intégrer une team. Malheureusement, beaucoup de teams ont des contraintes qui ne me correspondent pas… Alors, j’ai décidé de prendre les choses en main et de me lancer ! Je débute dans le milieu de la compétition, ce qui veut dire que je n’ai pas encore participé à une saison ou une division. Mais ce n’est que le début ! Je veux m’améliorer et progresser dans une ambiance fun et positive, tout en jouant avec les armes que je maîtrise le mieux. Voici mes critères pour la team : Âge minimum : 13 ou 14 ans Disponibilité : Être dispo les week-ends Niveau minimum : Avoir atteint S+ et le niveau 100 Type de joueurs : Que vous soyez flex ou jouez des armes méta, ça me va ! À propos de moi : Je joue principalement avec les armes suivantes : Nautilus Double encreur Liquidateur héroïque Correcteur Quelques snipers Éclatana 2 très fin (1.0 et sa variante) Mon objectif est simple : gagner tout en restant dans la bonne humeur. Si vous partagez la même envie et que vous cherchez une team où progresser et vous amuser, alors rejoignez-moi ! Merci d’avoir pris le temps de lire. Hâte de jouer avec vous !
December 18
(updated 28 days ago)
Looking for team
wellstring(primarily)/stringer fa pocket explo looking for around d3 but im open to whatever 18+ preferred (im 24), lgbt friendly recent ish results sos great white (2x) 3-0 pulp cj graz riku 2-0 loxyay dm _hydroculus on discord if interested 💙
February 24
Looking for a personal coach
Midlevel edit and pencil player. Looking for a High Level or +3 level coach who specializes in these weapons. Constructive criticism, able to help figure out my weaknesses and help fix them. Capture card for vod reviews is a bonus not necessary, dm me on discord if interested
February 23
Looking for team
Currently looking for a div 4-5ish team to play with to get better with and hopefully low level banned with. -16 -CST -Can Vc and knows some callouts -Slayer Playstyle -Available all day on the weekends and generally in the evening for weekdays Recent Tourney Results -3rd LI Alpha 2025 -SAC Qualifer #4 Silver bracket (other older results in bio) Discord is in my bio if you want to dm me if you're interested
February 23
Looking for team
IGN: Linkling #2711 Age: 19 EST Looking for a team for LUTI I am a top 500 player in X Rank Tentatek Able to play a lot of different weapons and positions so I can flex to what your team needs No competitive experience but ready to learn Able to play 7 days a week at most times Can voice chat NOT homophobic/transphobic etc. I love all splatoon players dm me on discord linklingoth
February 16
(updated 29 days ago)
Looking for team
I’m looking for a low level team that I could join as a pick up since my team is much better than me rn and I sorta want to be with people who are more like my level, can vc dm me @clodsirenumber1 on discord I need this
February 23
Looking for team
Looking for a div 7/6 team to play in LUTI IGN : rainey♪#1312 Age : 22 Timezone : MST Availability : I am very flexible with my openings being almost all day everyday Weapons : Vshot, VPencil, Vbucket, V52, Sloshers. Role(s): Frontline/Support Flex Rank: S+ 10 X rank peak : 2317.8 Sendou Peak : Gold+ 1208 VC/Callouts : Experienced + Strong Callouts Experience : div 7-5 scrims Tourney Results: 🥈FTIU #41 3rd LSL #38 9x FTIU Gold Bracket SOS 143 HammerHead Bracket Past Team Experiences : Takoyaki Div 8, Hazard Level Minimum Div 7, and sub for 88☆= Results (LSL/FTIU banned teams): LUTI div 7 Semi-finals (4-5) 3-0 Chroma 2-0 RRRemix 2-1 Left Stack (Mecog, Tako, who have +3 results and identify as d5) 3-1 o7 Honor Bound 2-1 Los Inklings (d5) 3-0 Blitz Wave (LSL / World 9 ban) 2-0 Dolphin Image (won minnow cup, multiple A41, coral clash low tide) 2-0 Bracket Reset (TheGuy, Wofl, Phrog, Fled) https://sendou.ink/u/pandafox/results Notable Sets: 2-1 Honda Squidic - SOS 126 What I am looking for: Looking for a div 7 or higher team, I've grown a lot from low level and I'd like to go beyond and see what I can really do along with a team of friends who hang out and play other games occasionally as well as well as a good flexibility schedule. I am highly motivated and put a lot of work and love into the game with my kits, weapons, and roles. If you think I'm the right person for you team please DM me on discord: PandaFox a.k.a "raine"
Looking for scrim partners
We are looking for consistent scrim partners around div 6 We’re active Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday at 8PM CST DM Posadis on Discord if interested!
February 22
Looking for team
Pls let me join before luti🙏🙏🙏
Looking for a team coach
Idiots in chat are looking for a coach: - GMT and CEST time zone - we are est Div 5 - I know there is a lot of people but we usually play only 4 of us - LF D2+ coach Members: Goro - Octobrush (both), Luna Blaster Maru: Decapitator (both), dread Sirblue: Shot, 52 gal and Vdualise AV: Pen We are looking for a coach who can VOD review from time to time, it would be very helpful!