Discord Icon astaa_splat
IGN ..........#6969
Sens Motion +5 / Stick +3
Order Slosher Replica
30 / 3081.9
69 / 2973.8
81 / 2921.4
196 / 2618.9
Shiny Wooper Achievement
Paddling Pool Weekly
LUTI (Div 6)
Squid Junction
XP3000 (Splatoon 3)
Level Up (Legacy)
Token Run (Legacy)
Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Chromatic Co-op
Barracuda Boon
Megalodon Mondays
Blast Away!
Minus One Open
Get Coupled
Specials To The Power Of Four!
Splashdown Saturday
Awarded for winning Shiny Wooper Achievement
^_^ spanish bucket _________________________________ 3250xp _________________________________ Results: +1/high +2 _________________________________ 2-1 kera elis redmatt keensaysgm 2-1 kera miky jasmine shadowind 2-1 henlo pouley synapse lexi 2-0 mecha stormhero lucina delta 2-0 synapse lexi henlo cleff 2-0 chara snipez okami dylankeru 2-1 silver synapse devin titally 2x 2-1 harshi kiki henlo miner 2-0 duck motif 3-0 Miky Nepia Thomas Phoenix 2-0 silver yeti pouley argo 3-2 2-1 3-0 3-0 ASC Tenshi 2-0 raiki slurpchad thomas nepia 3-1 silver pulp splat ori 3-0 2-0 Vacation! 3-0 miky phoenix jaysorawk azurai _________________________________ tournaments results ------------------------------------------------------ 🥇pp 298/306 🥉itz 39 5th itz 40 5th Glaze gauntlet 4 5th Fry Basket 11/14/16