Splatoon 3: Notable results
Takoroka Divison X Rank: SZ: 2699.2 TC: 2529.0 RM: 2592.8 CB: 2616.1
1st SOS Hammerhead
1st SOS Hammerhead
5th SOS Great White
3rd Merryzoic
5th Squid Junction 63 With 4batz
2nd Fountain of Dreams #8
Salmon Run: 202 Eggs
Splatoon 2: Notable results
X Rank: SZ: 2518 TC: 2593.4 RM: 2502 CB:2501
League Battles: Gold: 179 Silver: 155 Bronze: 28
Highest League Power Squad: 2504.9
Highest League Power Duo: 2525.6/2504/2505
1st Alpha Bracket Low Ink April 2021
1st Minnow Cup Tower Control
??? Aug 22, 2021, Tournament with Port Rakoome 2-1 pulse- 1-2 The Root - 2-0 EMehdi Squad- 2-0 Booyah Gang
Proof of All Claims: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10CUBrhpD3botr4iIVdliDagCk9pQ3NiBUFhc-Z7-lnI