

1stplatoon 2 Bath Ball with Mascot Toy, Bath Salt, 6 Types, Fresh Bubble Scent, SquidBlue Ring Rumble 945/11/2024
2ndDuck MotifSquid Junction 67275/4/2024
7thDuck MotifIn The Zone 34444/27/2024
1stDuck MotifDucky Deathmatch124/21/2024
2ndSUPER FIGHTING MII TEAM SUPREMELevel Up 20: Token Run154/20/2024
2ndDUCKMAFIASquid Junction 65314/6/2024
2ndHoly cow drift is uglyPaddling Pool 261314/3/2024
1stDuck Motif +1Proving Grounds 30313/16/2024
13thDuck Motif +1In The Zone 33453/9/2024
1stLobBlue Ring Rumble 3142/3/2024
7thDuck MotifPICNIC 5331/27/2024
1stWaddle deeLevel Up 111212/16/2023
9thOffice DucksIn The Zone 30438/20/2023
2ndTempestProving Grounds 17457/22/2023
3rdQuackmafiaProving Grounds 15386/24/2023
1stQuack!Jaxel Tourney #2174/29/2023
1stDuck TalesSplatalittle #11504/2/2023
2ndTempestSquid Junction 35241/8/2023
1stTempest + 1Triton-Cup 434811/25/2022
1stTempestSquid Junction 323711/5/2022
3rdTempest Squid Junction 313710/22/2022
1stTempestSquid Junction 25256/18/2022
1stMemorySquid Junction 141512/5/2021
1stMemoryPaddling Pool 139911/24/2021
3rdPulsePaddling Pool 123298/4/2021