

IGN kase !#1309
Sens Stick +4 / Motion +2.5
Snipewriter 5H
N-ZAP '85
377 / 2498.4
LUTI (Div 7)
Anarchy Rush In
Awarded for winning LUTI (Div 7)
XP 2655 liter (jp) LI banned 🥇megalodon mondays 3 🥈SOS 131 hammerhead 🥈blue ring rumble 2 3-2 + 3-1 velocity (sam, riku, umbre, bronze) 2-1 ori, oofs, bouncë, rose 2-0 persistence (2x) past teams: mantablack (div 1 oce series s10) the real #1 cat dispenser in the world