Swiiiitchy :3

Discord Icon swiiiitchy
IGN ShiverSimp#2026
Sens Motion -1 / Stick 0
Orderbrush Replica
Enperry Splat Dualies
https://swiiii.site/ i only love brushes (if it's to hit people with it), breb, funny cat (includes drawings) and shiver. currently learning at Déltacadémie : https://discord.gg/SxXMR4QZQk i mainly play for fun, but I'm trying to improve every day. I main the orderbrush, the S-Blast 91 as well as enperry dualies, but I try to vary my gameplay to not get bored of the game. Currently trying to get good at : Snipers and stringers. Always open to chat :3