Я. still'

Discord Icon ___still___
Sens Motion +4.5 / Stick +4.5
Sloshing Machine
Custom Range Blaster
Paddling Pool Weekly
Spawning Grounds
SkeDoPolis Bi-Weekly (2nd place)
Baguette League
Soul Cup (Special)
Soul Cup (Competitive)
French Battle
Awarded for winning Paddling Pool Weekly
CEO of Revolution Staff and coach for Ink Souls French TO Splatoon 3 : 🥉 LAN Magellan 2025 🥇 PP 244 4 - 2 and 2 - 0 Yuni Bake Aka Yeti 4 - 2 Soarn, Promano, Funny, Xers 3 - 2 Enrage 3 - 1 ChewIt'sMafia