* I've been waiting alone here... * Um... My whole life for you two to arrive. * So... * I'm really happy to meet you. * I hope we can be good friends, Kris. LUTI S15 Division 3 Tournament Placements: 3rd Megalodon Monday #11 5th Speed Ladder 12 1st Hammerhead Swim or Sink 159 5th Great White Swim or Sink 160 Results 2-1 Lego Fortnite 2-0 Fruit Cake 2-0 Midnight Zone 2-1 Crowny (+2), Harshi (+3), Kiki (+3), Fishy (+3) 2-1 Aizen (+2), ReiZ (+3), Sushitrash, Rotciv 2-1 Mar (+3), Kiki (+3), Lexi, Cool 3-2 tickle (+3), Stara, Jayツ, Trix >:D