Discord Icon sneakeesplat
IGN 8♪sneakee#3979
Sens Motion -1.5 / Stick +3
Snipewriter 5H
Custom Wellstring V
Wellstring V
Rapid Blaster Pro
Under Pressure
K's Challenges
Reef Reunion (100 KT Power)
Turf War Takedown
Specials To The Power Of Four!
Token Of Appreciation
Awarded for winning Under Pressure
European Basil. i dont want to be div 8 what Wellstring best backline 1st SeSa #2 3rd silver bracket minnow cup #40 (Zones) 3rd Low Ink Feb. '25 Gamma Bracket Close sets (win): 3-2 Vs Pixel per Ink Close sets (loss): 2-3 Vs Oracle Weapons list from most to least comfortable in comp/sendouq: Pen > Hedit > Credit > Cwell > Vwell > ZF > Vcharger Learning BP and explo, probably,,, (also rose is a goober i'm sorry for stealing this i apologize for being such a goober and your teammember)