"Call me Subirrino, cause I'm now that one sub-player that every team needs." 😂
Former Captain of Coyotes Black!
Sub-Player for Time to Win, Pyramid Scheme, Origami Seastars, Chroma Vortex, Krill Switch, and Rabbit Hole!
Highest Rank X Power
Splat Zones: 2407.4
Tower Control: 2585.7
Rainmaker: 2480.8
Clam Blitz: 2582.9
LUTI Season 15 Division 9
All 4 One #20: Splat Zones / Gold Bracket
Sink or Swim #174 / Hammerhead Bracket
Coral Clash: Low Tide #18 / Angelfish Bracket
🥇Tristrike Tuesdays #20: All-Modes Gold Bracket
🥇Abandon Ship #6
🥇Little Squid League #47 Diamond Bracket
🥇Mug Cup #21 Gold Mug
🥇Shark Tank: Shallow Waters #3 Gold Bracket
🥇8 Bit Blitz #20 16 Bit Bracket
🥇CCA Study Abroad #2 Silver Bracket (Team: The Silly Billies)
🥈The Depths #1
🥈All 4 One #22 Clam Blitz Bronze Bracket
🥈All 4 One #28 Golden Gauntlet Bronze Bracket
🥈IDTGA #47 Master Bracket
🥉Anarchy Rush In Open #4
🥉From The Ink Up #62 Gold Bracket
🥉From The Ink Up #61 Gold Bracket
3-0 Technicolor
3-0 Los Inklings
3-0 [adult swim]