Discord Icon sibirrino
IGN Δ² «Rino»#1960
Sens Motion 0 / Stick 0
Splat Dualies
Dualie Squelchers
Custom Dualie Squelchers
Abandon Ship
Mug Cup
Little Squid League
Tristrike Tuesday
Shark Tank (Gold)
Awarded for winning Abandon Ship
"Call me Subirrino, cause I'm now that one sub-player that every team needs." 😂 Former Captain of Coyotes Black! Sub-Player for Time to Win, Pyramid Scheme, Origami Seastars, Chroma Vortex, Krill Switch, and Rabbit Hole! Highest Rank X Power Splat Zones: 2407.4 Tower Control: 2585.7 Rainmaker: 2480.8 Clam Blitz: 2582.9 LUTI Season 15 Division 9 All 4 One #20: Splat Zones / Gold Bracket Sink or Swim #174 / Hammerhead Bracket Coral Clash: Low Tide #18 / Angelfish Bracket 🥇Tristrike Tuesdays #20: All-Modes Gold Bracket 🥇Abandon Ship #6 🥇Little Squid League #47 Diamond Bracket 🥇Mug Cup #21 Gold Mug 🥇Shark Tank: Shallow Waters #3 Gold Bracket 🥇8 Bit Blitz #20 16 Bit Bracket 🥇CCA Study Abroad #2 Silver Bracket (Team: The Silly Billies) 🥈The Depths #1 🥈All 4 One #22 Clam Blitz Bronze Bracket 🥈All 4 One #28 Golden Gauntlet Bronze Bracket 🥈IDTGA #47 Master Bracket 🥉Anarchy Rush In Open #4 🥉From The Ink Up #62 Gold Bracket 🥉From The Ink Up #61 Gold Bracket 3-0 Technicolor 3-0 Los Inklings 3-0 [adult swim]