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IGN S2 Shoes#1169
Carbon Roller Deco
Carbon Roller
Big Swig Roller Express
Estimated LUTI Div 10 FTIU Banned If you played vs me and think I played good, dm me sometime and ask to play as a pickup or sub, I'm probably available. Results 2-0 Ink'd Under 3-2 How to Update Splatoon 3 - LI banned pickup 2-1 YT->MP4 3-2 Los Inklings 2-1 o7 HonorBound (twice) 3-1 Shellfire 3-2 Solo Cue pickup - Solo Act 2-0 Hydra (twice) 3-2 lefishe {tart, Frosch, Luckyo, Frenzy} 1st place SOS #174 lantern 1st place A41 #30 silver 5th place FoD #8 1st place SOS #177 lantern 7th place FoD #9