
Scandinavian Hail

IGN navianHail#1193
Sens Motion -3.5 / Stick 0
Hydra Splatling
Custom Hydra Splatling
Heavy Splatling
Ballpoint Splatling
Hello, I'm Hail! Enjoyer of all things Splatlings. Been a Hydra-main for three years now. I am the founder and owner of the now inactive Hail Season League, an organization that hosted tournaments for European teams for more than a year. He/him. SOLO QUEUE RESULTS: Splatoon 2: *X in all modes *~2100 average Splatoon 3: *Highest rank - S+19 X-Battle peaks (Ttek Div): *SZ - 2205.4 *TC - 2384.3 *RM - 2207.0 *CB - 2509.6 (some) TOURNAMENT RESULTS: *Won Slinkygraves' community clash with 3 and a Half Beans *Made round two in delta losers bracket in Low Ink June 2023 with The Ink Resistance *Made Gold bracket in Little Squid League 31 with The Ink Resistance Former member of: Assembly of Advanced Marine Life (ÄML|) Neso (ŋ) Inkling Daycare (ID_) The Ink Resistance (IR_)