Highest rank - S+50
Peak pwr - 2491.3 JP DIV
I "main" all weapons, I can play each to a well extent
Weapon pool above r just some weapons I rlly like-
I draw art (deviant - That1octolingRachel)
The only reason I have this account is bc I can't remember my builds 🥲
Green 💚
I'm only on discord and deviant, any other possible accounts on other platforms aren't me
Highest x pwrs all time
Tentatek div
Zones - 2418.3 (place - 829)
Tower - 2420.2 (place - 830)
Rain - 2408.7 (place - 816)
Clam - 2450.0 (place - 323
Takoroka div
Zones - 2491.3
Tower - 2238.8
Rain - 2304.2
Clam - 2264.9
Random stuff
Top 500 x Sizzle season 2023 (clam) 449
Top 500 x Drizzle season 2023 (clam) 323
Uhmm placed in monthly challenge thing for drizzle season