Hello, I'm Pinon.
I don't play PvP at all really. Nintendo not giving us proper servers with all the dc's, the bombardment of specials and how unbalanced they can be, all that just kills my motivation anytime I play. I will also never play a basic shooter weapon, too boring for me.
On the other hand, I love Salmon Run. I can beat HLM fairly consistently (assuming I even have the time to make it there) and will always grind a rotation to at least one king fight. I also keep track of every Splaton3 SR shift here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J5_R7Rb2rVQ46ywqewouDb8HU6BvIlhO0i2vvETqAGY
There's lots of other miscellaneous stuff on there as well, go check it out.
Tableturf is my real drive in this game however. I enjoy competitive tableturf (yes we exist) and finding combos that work on the different stages. Winner of Duel On #3, and second place in all 3 Tableturf Trials (the third was counts okay it was super scuffed).
Random thing I (don't) do: spend Super Sea Snails. I have 382 of them just sitting around.