
Discord Icon newsquidbeaksplatoon_24420
IGN WaddleDee#1951
Sens Motion 0 / Stick 0
Enperry Splat Dualies
Order Shot Replica
Order Splatana Replica
Splattershot Jr.
I play Sploon 3, way too much lol. I’ve beaten After Alterna 12 times, like seriously. I love Splatoon sooooooo much fr. (A little too much I think) Also love Dualies and generally quick weapons. Enperries are my best, favorite and first 4 star weapon, but I play other weapons from time to time. Also main V-Shot and play Stamper on occasion, but I can cook with any and every (non Clash Blaster) weapon if you let me. Looking to get into competitive, but still floating around S rank, tryna get to S+. Straight male btw, Christian as well. #1 Overall Splatter #1 Tacti Meta Hater (all skirmishers just got invalidated by SODA) #1 Rainmaker Main (don't try me)