Discord Icon megahaxorusfan
IGN F!! Hax#6485
Sens Motion +2.5 / Stick +2.5
Enperry Splat Dualies
Splat Dualies
Slayer & Captain of Spirality Slayer for FLOOD WARNING!!! __Rank(s):__ LUTI Div 8 estimated CCA Div 5 Peak XPower: 2066.5 (Tentatek) World 9 Banned Setting Sail eligible??? Maybe??? __Tournament Results:__ Supply Closet #15: 5th place Chromatic Co-Op #46: 21st of 30 LSL #47: 9th Overall Nintendo VS Turf Ladder: 24th of 108 CCA Circuit: Div 4, 5th Place __Set Wins:__ 2-1 Karmesi Kolony OAR Previous IGN: § Hax#1419