CET timezone ( GMT +2)
Div ~3+
Dm if interested in pick ups or SendouQ or legit anything
LU eligible and all that stuff
5th PP 298
5th PP 278
LI May, March Alpha🥈
LI April Alpha🥉
LI January Delta 🥇
2-1 i eat clash blaster (Datkid +1, Harshi +2, ByG Yoshis +3, bat42)
3-1 Blue Liter Doesn't Cook (Gabe, SavageWolf59, 彡✦✪Bonk✪✦彡 +3, ミオ(Div 3 pickup))
2-0 certified thug shakers (pickup), (eider_pancake Div 1 or 2, Goggy Div 2, Navy Div 1, FrozenPhoenix)
2-0 Strawberry Lemonade (Pika +2, Mauve +3, Crimmothy +2, Rose)
2-0 helios (Sorella, flopz, Jonjon, zure mattie)
(SendouQ) 4-3 Acing, Sal, タコRafa, Bridg3tt
More to come