Isabel T.J.

Discord Icon isabelptj.
IGN Isabel!🔸#1440
Sens Motion -2.5 / Stick +4.5
Dark Tetra Dualies
Splatana Wiper
Light Tetra Dualies
Enperry Splat Dualies
Splat Dualies
Low Ink
4v4 Sundaes
Dapple SZ Speedladder
League Rush (Pair)
League Rush (Quad)
Monday Afterparty
Paddling Pool Weekly
Superjump (Beta bracket)
Golden Paddling Pool Event
Squid Junction
In The Zone 20-29
Huebis Inkling Tournament (1st place)
Under Pressure
German Tournament System
The InkTV Resurgence League Qualifier
XP2600 (Splatoon 2)
SkeDoPolis Bi-Weekly (1st place)
10 tournaments of Dapple Productions
Awarded for winning Low Ink
Splatoon 2: 2759 XP / 2720 LP Splatoon 3: 3015 XP tetra onetrick /wiper, stamper (my other yt channel):