Hello! I'm Ikasumi☆Ninja
Played Splat 2 Casually since 2018, Now playing Competitively since June 2023.
Previously Captain of 忍び族ら/Shinobi Alliance and Wave Illusions.
I can speak some Japanese
最高XP/Highest X Power: 2765
2300XP+ All Modes
(Takoroka Division)
Highest X Power 2700 + Top 100 (and 1 but we don’t talk about that)
(Tentatek Division)
Highest Rank: S+49
Highest Sendou Q Rank: Platinum
1600 Splarate + Top 500 Silver
LUTI S15 Div 8
LUTI S16 Div 4 (Subbing for Remix)
大会実績/Tournament Results:
🥇1st Place Firefin
🥈2nd LSL Invitational 4
🥈2nd Place HSL 2.8
9th Dimond Bracket LSL 42
3rd Place Squidfin Fireboard #12
ぷちぴぽっぷる ベスト8 | 準々決勝/Top 8 Quarterfinals in Puchipi Poppuru (JP 2v2 Tournament)
Low Ink October 2024 Day 1 Beta Bracket 15th Place
Low Ink 9th Beta Bracket Day 2
🥇1st Place Reach #6
🥈 2nd Place The Reach Invitational #1: Staff Pick 'Ems
Won Prosecutor Bracket in Meet Your Match #4
Tournament Sets:
2-1 Squid EST
2-1 EWfish
2-1 The Night Logic
2-1 Kiwi Ice Cream
3-2 The Whiprays
3-2 Diamond Rays
2-3 Insecure Connection
Other Sets:
3-4 +3 Team Project (Charis, Penny, Junkie and Oreo) (SQ Set)
Dimond Sendou Q
1700 Splarate
LI Alpha/Top 32
Get into Mid and eventually High Level
Extra: My Favourite Modes are: Turf War, Splat Zones and Tower Control!
I’m also always down for a 1v1!
My Sens for Tetra and Dapples is +4.0 Motion +5 Sticks
Always Trying to Improve and Get better, I strive to be the best version of myself
X (Formerly Twitter) Account/X(旧Twitter)垢: https://x.com/ikasumi_ninja