- OCE --> Queensland, Australia (Never been to the UK in my lifetime, the LAN badge was randomly given to me 🙂). - X Rank: 2462 Peak, Takaroka - Former Member of both “Aim For the Stars” and “Illaqueate” -------------------------Notable Sets (from 2025, Oldest to Newest)----------------------------- - 3-1 Jared!, SMNR, Twinkieee and leaf (Abandon Ship #6) - 2-0 Blaster, Goat Child, Cat Toad jr., YAGI and Disobeyed (Tri Strike Tuesday #21, TC + SZ) - 2-0 ØĐ Madman, SpyGirl812, Λミ すぎ°*#1870, °*kyor and NotAFemBoy (Mug Cup #22) - 2-0 Monga, Francis, SMNR, Jared! (Abandon Ship #7) - 2-1 Los Inklings (Abandon Ship #7) - 2-1 kittens 🖤🥀🐺⛓💥 (Abandon Ship #7) - 3-1 Krill Switch w/ Canary (OCE Zones Weekly #43) - 3-1 Asphyxiation (All 4 One # 31 RM only) - 2-0 Obamacare (Mecog, rice meow, zym and ItsJustRin), :3 #1 - 3-1 Krill Switch (Frostbite Ascent: Drizzle Season 2024) in both WF and GF Reset -----------------------------------------Tournament Results------------------------------------------ - 🥇Frostbite Ascent: Drizzle Season 2024 Glacier Bracket - 🥇All 4 One #31 Silver Bracket - 🥇From the Ink Up #66 Gold Bracket, and therefore banned - 🥇Lone Sailor #2 - 🥇TNT’s Dynamite Showdown #3 - 🥇Swim Or Sink #167 Lantern Bracket - 🥈OCE Zones Weekly #43 - 🥈Tristrike Tuesdays #21: TC + SZ - 🥈Abandon Ship #6 - 🥈:3 #2 - 🥉OCE Zones Weekly #30: Tower Control Edition - 🥉Abandon Ship #7 - 5th All 4 One #28: Golden Gauntlet - 5th Tristrike Tuesday #18 (SZ+TC) and #19 (SZ Only) - 5th Mug Cup #22 -----------------------------------------Non-Sendou Results----------------------------------------- - 🥈 Grass Roots #2 - 🥉 2024 AUNZ Qualifier #2 (tied)