Discord Icon iruka02
IGN イルカ✰カイ#2500
Sens Motion +3 / Stick +3.5
Classic Squiffer
H-3 Nozzlenose
L-3 Nozzlenose
Dread Wringer
TFS Tourneys
Awarded for winning TFS Tourneys
LUTI 16 and officially div 6 in Custom Hydra (best name i swear) I Love my Dolphin Branded Guns Seriosly, they somehow my Fav Guns in Splatoon. X-Rank: -Last Season Top "3000" X-Placement (Takoroka) Peak "2800" X-Power (Takoroka) on Grind of Top 500 TTek (already cant believe its that easy) Funny Dolphin Facts -Did you know squiffer is Dolphin Branded -sprinkler is a dophin since the days of S1 too (me liking it has to be a joke) -vac is unforstunate a dolphin as well btw (Most bottomtier dolphin ever is swear) -storm is a dolphin (Yo S2 actually introduced a dolphin too) - The Dolphin brand features weapons based water-related household items, such as products for cleaning or gardening. (Thx Inkpedia for parts of this text Block)