Discord Icon crazytoad
IGN ƒ²←Toad#2397
Sens Motion +3 / Stick +5
Mint Decavitator
A41 GG Iron Bracket (Legacy)
Awarded for winning A41 GG Iron Bracket (Legacy)
September 30, 1998… Hi my name's Leon. It's a day I'll never Leon. The cop inside Leon died that day. And that night, Leon was wiped out. Thanks to the Leon created by Leon. Somehow, Leon made it out. But too many Leons...weren't so Leon. Leon was "asked" later to join a Leon program. ...The cop's name's Leon. Not that Leon had a choice... The training, the punishing Leons... DUCK! Even for Leon this can be Leon. Looking good! Thanks! If I could just forget Leon that night... Nearly killed Leon has to.