They / She / He
Midlevel support player
Head of activities for Coastal Carolina’s Splatoon programs/teams when they’re active, feel free to dm/ask me about it!
Player and captain of CAUTION!!, they are better than me and super cool please give them attention
Results are kinda old but I literally cannot find anyone to play with so PLEASE pick me up
Low Ink Banned/Level Up eligible etc.
4th in 8 Bit Blitz #16
2-1 BlackJack!!! (Auto~ጀ, ★Rook™², BrushMommy, HΞ Zakirai)
2-0 Good One Marcus (Draconif, osa, Minty, Invidiæ)
2-0 Aquatic Vanguard (Matt, NERD, ike, John from Sinnoh)
2-0 Paradigm Starfish (Girlboss, 1nfa, tormi., Che)
3-0 Hey man, res here (Kira, Nitro, Tacos!, Spacedog363)
Sendou Queue:
4-3 Surf N’ Turf (Krissy, Steven, Goodra, Magnus)
4-0 Ace, D$F p1nchr, Rosearrow, _,liena
1-2 those who know (jade_onWindeX, Riku, GIMMIE, tickle)
1-3 Nicky chan Nooties Nicholasenpai (vera, buns, Nick, 𐕣)