The Muted Menace :3
L3 One Trick
My team wants to qualify for the sq major so im forced to play sq 😔
2623xp Takoroka (I don't play much x)
🥇Level Up 32: Token Run
🥇Kraken Royale 15
🥇Coral Clash: High Tide #17
🥇Prism Break 19
🥇Dolphin Showdown 19
🥇Shark Tank: Deep Waters #6
🥇Squid Junction 85
🥈Swim or Sink 171
3-1 harshi, happy, tody, kayora
3-2 | 3-0 dark, zeke, luke, fresyurii
3-1 fishy, harshi, silver, splat
2-0 cas, lex, necrew, 1shot
2-0 fresyurii, hornet, happy, cj
3-0 -sam, datkid, lexi, bungee
2-1 vanessa, fif gen, goose, luples
2-1 IB woomy, angeel, bee, jasmine
2-0 IB woomy, angeel, bee, spritzu
2-1 goji, tickle, nilla, enamel
3-1 risu, asta, aphrodite, baké
3-1 adapt, snivo, ori, trey
3-0 harshi, typos, tickle, baké
3-1 goose, thelemon27, hornet, cj
and some other +3 results I just dont care about