Proud Tri-Stringer/Splatana main <3
My weapon pool consists of the weapons I have the most fun playing. This doesn't necessarily mean I am the best at those weapons, but I do have the most patience and experience with them.
I am currently ranked S in anarchy (last updated 3rd of January 2025)
I have the most fun playing clam blitz, tower control, and rain maker.
My weapon pool based on what mode I'm playing:
TW: Splatanas, Dynamo, Nautilus, Tri-Stringers, Chargers
SZ: Splatanas, Nautilus, Tri-Stringer
RM: Tri-Stringer, Splatana Stamper
TC: Tri-Stringer, Splat Rollers, Stampers, Z+F Charger
CB: Nautilus