X power high: 2753 LI Banned A41 BANNED/LU ELIGIBLE Luti Season 16 d2 Tourneys: 🥇 Abandon Ship 🥇 SoS (Hammerhead Bracket) 🥈 Fountain of Dreams 5th SoS (Great White Bracket) SQ set wins: quite a few (I don’t keep count) SQ Peak: Platinum + Tournaments Sets: (all these ppl are very good ngl to ya) 2-0 Nier’s Sub Ward (Goldeb, Kalie, Tacos!, Anon) 2-0 Hey man, res here (Nitro, Kira, Spacedog363, Sprinthe) 2-0 Kagekoi (Lo©k™, Bluee, Gabe, Divya★) 2-0 EXtinktion (Yung, antyytna, BreadEnthusiast, Cømet) 2-0 Coral Convergence (tan, BambooShrk, Sambews, tufa) 2-0 Be Happy (Матиус◆, Juandipe, Luzon_BH, splatty) 2-1 Sonora Inkamita de Iztapalapa (TTex, Mr.Miu, MastaMario, Bird) 2-1 BFSC + Wak (Mini, Wak, TotoStar, FairyLightLux) 2-1 Geomancy (Aly, Bronze, Echo [+3], OBT) 2-1 Nawal (Aizen, Ripping, Chomper, Rotciv) 3-0 30 enegery celebi (ItsJustRin, piner, Comma, turnip) 3-0 Showtime (Rinwell, Mia, ☆Kat☆, Vividdy) 3-1 ts (this) IS bluelock (Nof24, kuro, Nerdy♪Adam, moon) 3-2 Seapunks (Nicole!, koa., Evanstar, Pvnk Jayツ) 5-2 Sunkissed (Ezio, FunkeMunke, [8k] X-man, [8k] Psyco)