
Discord Icon cleffapig
IGN cleffapig#5501
Sens Motion +2 / Stick +5
Splat Dualies
Proving Grounds
Bad Ideas Only
THIS IS FINE (Challenge Comp)
In The Zone 30-39
Fry Basket
Prism Break
Dolphin Showdown
Pou Basket
Blue Pou Achievement
Awarded for winning Proving Grounds
šŸ„‡ Fry Basket #12 šŸ„‡ In The Zone 38 šŸ„ˆ SendouQ Season Finale 5 šŸ„ˆ4v4 Sundaes 62 šŸ„ˆ Fry Basket #11 šŸ„‰ PICNIC 5 2-0 jared zero bagel ant 3-2 atomic xenith yoshell gos 3-2 yu cam flyzero phoenix 3-1 redmatt cmo sam tera 3-1, 2-1 yoshell xenith tera atomic 2-0 Ciel (obito skoxay funny miky) 3-2 kiver cam yu miky 2-0 madness xenith atomic bab 2-1 Celeste (yu phoenix cam miky) 3-0 phoenix omega kiver brian 3-1 kyo burstie jared q 3-2 volty yoshell xenith phoenix 3-0 kou soppi makoudon anko 3-0 jared xenith volty bab 3-2 kou lobstar anko makoudon