Choo Choo
Choo Choo
the greatest pickup ever tourney placements: 🥇 4v4 Tower Control Race 4 🥇ARI Open 1 🥇 Coral Clash 6 🥇 Crimson Ink 6 🥇Curiosity Cup 🥇EU Splash Cup Open 🥇 Deadline 4 🥇 Destroy the Meta 3 🥇 French Battle 32 🥇 Homecoming 2 🥇 Jaxel 3 🥇 LeClam 2 🥇 Le Rainmakeur 🥇 Le Rainmakeur 2 🥇 Level Up 12 🥇 Minnie’s Events: Zones Edition 🥇 Off The Table 9 🥇 Paddling Pool 245 🥇 SkeDoPolis 6 🥇 Solar Eclipse 1 🥇 SOS 107 🥇 Soul Cup (Spl3) 🥇 Squid Junction 58 🥇 Squidtoony Battle 🥇 Triton Cup 68 🥇 Tropical Tuesdays 3 🥇 Tropical Tuesdays 5 🥈 Crimson Ink 5 🥈Squid Junction 61 🥈 Tropical Tuesdays 1 🥉 Proving Grounds 29 🥉 Squids for Palestinian Kids