Sunday BIG Run #1 by ebTV
📢 Sunday BIG Run this Sunday🏆
How about a Salmon Run tournament?
To test the Tournament Organizer, here's the Sunday Run!
No constraint, you can participate solo, pair, trio or team! 🎮
See you on Wahoo World, with random weapons and triumvirate!
🗓️ This Sunday, December 15, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. CEST
🏆 Total score of all shifts: You have two hours to collect the maximum points (Eggs collected and Scale Points). Only successful shift count. No penalties.
:gift: Rewards
- For all participants: Tournament certificate / 1 food ticket (1 per season when participating in a Splatnet 3 tournament)
- For 1st players in a team, trio, pair or solo: badge (under development, will be given retroactively)
🔗 The link to register below ⬇️
📜 Documentation ⬇️
💬 Feel free to come to our Discord ( and take the role dedicated to the Salmon Run to meet other Salmon Run fans and get notified of tournaments!
Registered players will need to join the tournament lobby which will be available in the Friends menu in the Salmon Run hall during the session from 3pm to 5pm CEST