Splatfest World Premiere Results

by Riczi

The Splatfest World Premiere has sadly come to a close. At least we get to know the results! Each region was able to enjoy up to 12 hours of intense turf war battles, repping their chosen teams.

The Splatfest results varied slightly be region, but with many similarities. Team Rock was the most popular team, sporting the most members worldwide. Team Paper had the smallest membership, but won more Pro matches than the other teams.

Each team received points for receiving the most votes and winning the most Open and Pro battles. After the dust cleared, Team Rock was declared the winner! Paper and Scissors took second and third depending on region, though the results went down to the wire.

Regardless of if you were on the winning team or not, everyone is leaving Splatfest a winner. The new entry to the Splatoon series received a lot early praise over the weekend. New and experienced players alike walked away with great anticipation for the full release. September 9th could not come any sooner.