Representing the Flingza Roller 3028 XP Takoroka/JP | Top 50 NA X Rank Motivated and Active | FA & +3 Access Top Foil Flingza JP Zones Top Flingza SendouQ Top Flingza NA Actively competing with Flingza roller / all rollers to push high level __________2025:__________ 🥈Plus Server High Level Draft 1/4/25 LUTI s16 with Casino Soul Sets [Flingza Roller only]: 2-0 Titally Laby Seb Raiki 2-1 Storm Lucina Aka Nick 3-0 Henlo Risu Jrod Azad 3-1 Bab Silver Slurpcat Draco200 (dc loss) 2-3 Xenith Devin Splat Deezy ______2024 and before:______ 🥇Tropical Tuesdays 13 🥇Anarchy Open Rotation 6/19/24 8-10 pm🔥 🥈Tropical Tuesdays 2 🥈Tropical Tuesdays 14 🥈Tropical Tuesdays 17 🥈2nd Deadline 5 🥉Neon Wail 10 🥉SOS 134 🥉Level Up 7 Top 4 Paddling Triton SJ PG Sets: 3-1 Joe Pelu Storm Keen 3-1 Power Datkid Addict harshi 3-1 Sonder 3-0 Silver Aloha Lew Hiro 2-0 Healthy Diet Food Groups 2-0 Bandit Kaisa Swish Kakioka 2-0 Mocha Kiki DDee Mar 2-0 Spate Esports 3-2 Nawal 3-2 Kera Bandit Zen Kelp 3-2 Crowny Laby Slurpcat Bungee Somewhat outdated sets on Teams / Pickups and tournament placements recorded elsewhere; ask to view. Majors: 13th / 176 SuperJump 3 Alpha 9th / 330 Inkademy Speed Ladder 11 5th NA Turf War Holiday 2024* Miscellaneous Modern: - #1 Foil Flingza JP Zones Chill Season 24-25 - #1 Flingza JP Clams Fresh Season 24 - First player to 4 star Foil Flingza Roller - Lev+ 1447 peak - Owner of the Flingza Roller Community Discord Server - $570 from splatoon Miscellaneous Legacy: - Leader of Crossfire Div. 2 - S14 - 109 Unique Kits 4⭐️ - Top 100 Team Present - Top 50 X rank - 1-0 martinolo - 3x S2 Hero Mode Boss WRs - 3x S3 Alterna WRs