IGN Kuvia#1810
Sens Stick +2 / Motion +3
Ballpoint Splatling
Heavy Splatling
Heavy Splatling Deco
Heavy Edit Splatling
XP2600 (Splatoon 2)
Awarded for reaching XP2600 (Splatoon 2)
Comp casual. I like heavy (: March 2024-Present Results: 2nd SoS 144 1st Neon Wail 1 4th Squid Junction 65 June 2023 and Before: 2-1 Brian, Robbe, Kotaro, Key 2-1 Tetsu, Misa, Lukas, イザベル (Isabelle) 2-1 Caden Redrum Luke Kiwi 2-1 Nemesis - Anger, Momowo, Wiesel, Raphael 2-1 Mango Hekmek - Zay, Max, Martin, Apple 2-0 Flyzero, Michiruu, Synphu, Bingo 2-0 Cuber, Jisha, Dex, Nick 2-1 DUDE, Power, Hope, Storm 2-0 Nawal 2-0 Sequoia 4-2 Power, Hope, Hunty, Setu 2nd SoS 111 25th/128 20XX Series 3 Too many 5ths Captain of The Thieves 2018-2020 RIP o7