

IGN ☆Woomy☆#3372
Sens Stick -1 / Motion -1
Ballpoint Splatling
Splatana Stamper
E-liter 4K
N-ZAP '85
I'm a flex player who has been playing since Splatoon 2 with roughly 600 hours in game. My best weapon is Splatana Stamper I've played it since prefire and never dropped it I recently got 5 stars on it which is a huge achievement for me. My main weapon class is splatlings (I hate playing Hydra and Mini) I can play almost any thing (don't trust me with snipwriter or any bella I hate them as much as they hate me). I try to play as much as possible. My highest ranking is S+7 I don't play a lot of X-battles so I don't have a high power.